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Sagittarius Lagna: Characteristics, & Planets of Sagittarius Ascendant

Sagittarius Lagna: Characteristics, & Planets of Sagittarius Ascendant

The people of Sagittarius Ascendant are good and gentle. They are adept at running. The person born in this ascendant is of philosophical nature and is interested in human and religious subjects. If Jupiter is in the third house in the Kundli, then there is no limit to generosity. 


Sagittarius Lagna Qualities 


Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and the expansion of this zodiac in zodiac is spread from 240 degrees to 270 degrees. This zodiac is considered to be dual nature by nature. Because of this, the nature of a person is sometimes stifling. The element of this zodiac is fire and due to the influence of fire, the person becomes sharp.


The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, which is considered to be a very auspicious planet. The symbol of this zodiac is a horse whose shape is like a human from above and has an arrow in his hand, that is, the symbol of this zodiac is a half-human and half-horse. 


Dhanu Lagna Characteristics


Try to know the characteristics of the people of Sagittarius Ascendant. Sagittarius comes in the ninth house in the Kundli. When the ninth house of the Kalpurush Kundli becomes the Ascendant, then such a person is considered lucky.


This zodiac is calculated as the fire element sign, so having a fire element ascendant will create a lot of intensity within you. You will be very agile and sure of your passion. Once you have decided to do the work, then you will be able to complete it only. One of your specialties will be that you will not take any time in taking any decisions. 


Auspicious Planets For Sagittarius Ascendant 


Let's try to know which planets can be auspicious for you due to Sagittarius Ascendant. Jupiter becomes auspicious for this ascendant. The lord of the ascendant is always considered auspicious. Mars becomes auspicious for this ascendant. Although the second sign of Mars falls in Scorpio's twelfth house, still it is auspicious.


Sun being the ninth lord is very auspicious for this ascendant. The ninth house is the strongest triangle house in the horoscope. This house also determines the fate of a person. The auspiciousness of the auspicious planets for Sagittarius Ascendant will depend on their position and strength in the horoscope. If the benefic planet is afflicted or weak, then there may be a decrease in the attainment of auspicious results. 


Inauspicious Planets For Sagittarius Ascendant 


Which planets can be inauspicious for this ascendant, now let's talk about them. Saturn is considered inauspicious for Sagittarius ascendant. It is the lord of the third and fourth houses. Mercury is even for this ascendant.


For this Ascendant, Moon is inauspicious by being the eighth lord, although the Moon does not feel the fault of being the eighth house, it will contaminate the place and the planet with which it is situated. Venus is inauspicious by being the sixth and eleventh house in this ascendant. 


Gemstones For Sagittarius Lagna 


Wearing Pukhraj is auspicious for the Sagittarius ascendant. The ruling planet of the Sagittarius ascendant is Jupiter and Topaz is worn for them only. Wearing coral for Mars and ruby for Sun is also auspicious. 


Remedies For Sagittarius Lagna 


Keep one thing in mind if Jupiter, Mars, or Sun is weak in the Kundli, then wear their gems. If it is situated in a strong state, then you do not need to wear its gemstone. If the condition of an inauspicious planet is going on in the birth chart, then chant the mantras related to that planet daily. You can also do charity and fast in the case of an inauspicious planet.




People of the Sagittarius ascendant love their friends very much and express their views clearly. The people of this ascendant are sharp in intellect and have good thoughts. If you want more information about Sagittarius Ascendant then talk to astrologers.


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