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Pisces Lagna: Characteristics, & Planets of Pisces Ascendant

Pisces Lagna: Characteristics, & Planets of Pisces Ascendant

The people of Pisces ascendant are sensitive, shy and peaceful. They see a lot of dreams with their awake eyes and remain lost in the world of imagination but leave no stone unturned to fulfill them. They lack confidence. They like to follow their own rules. They rarely take the opinion of others. 


Pisces Lagna Qualities  


Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and its expansion extends from 330 degrees to 360 degrees. The ruling planet of this zodiac is Jupiter and it is considered to be the most auspicious and holy sign of the zodiac.


The symbol of this zodiac is two fish that are situated facing each other opposite each other. It is a water element and by nature, it is considered to be dual nature. If Mercury is debilitated in Pisces, then Venus becomes exalted. 


Meen Lagna Characteristics 


As your ascendant is Pisces, you will be a person of religious nature. You are a restrained, knowledgeable, introverted, and grateful person. You have stamina and you have a wealth of knowledge. You speak less because of your introverted nature.


Being a Pisces Ascendant, you are easily influenced by others. You always want change in life because your Lagna is dual nature, so you get bored with one thing very soon. Most of the time you lack confidence. 


Auspicious Planets For Pisces Ascendant 


Mars and Moon are most auspicious for the Pisces ascendant. Mars is Dhanesh and Bhagyesh and Moon is auspicious by being the lord of the fifth house. Jupiter is ascendant but for Pisces ascendant, it is afflicted by Kendradhipati dosha, hence it is not able to give many auspicious results. If Jupiter is situated in a very strong position in the birth chart, then it can give auspicious results. 


Inauspicious Planets For Pisces Ascendant 


Which planets can be inauspicious for Pisces ascendant, let us discuss them. The Sun is the sixth house and is considered inauspicious for this ascendant. Mercury being the fourth lord and the seventh lord is not very auspicious. It takes the blame for being the centrist. Shani is not auspicious by being Ekadesh and Dwadashesh. Venus is absolutely inauspicious for Pisces ascendant. It is the lord of the third and eighth house. 


Gemstones For Pisces Lagna 


Jupiter is the ascendant for Pisces ascendant, so it is auspicious to wear Pukhraj. You can wear coral for Mars. Mars is the lord of the ninth house i.e. the house of luck. 


Remedies For Pisces Lagna 


Moon is the lord of the fifth house in your horoscope, so you can wear pearls for it. When the auspicious planets are weak in the birth chart, then you should wear their gems otherwise not. If the condition of an inauspicious planet is going on in the birth chart, then the mantra should be chanted regularly. This reduces inauspicious results.




The people of Pisces ascendant also easily understand the deep secrets of self-knowledge and occult knowledge. Pisces Ascendants are of simple nature and very naive. If you want to know more about Pisces Ascendant then talk to astrologers.


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