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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Weekly Horoscope - Weekly Astrology

Prediction by Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla - Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

These are just the Weekly horoscope predictions for the 12 signs according to Western Astrology. However if you would like to ask personally about your personalised horoscope, than you can go in the Astrology Services section and select the service you wish to take. I will answer your questions, predict your future and also will suggest you remedies / solutions for all the problems that you are facing in life.

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Aries (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says this week, fate will be bringing love and beauty into your life. Enjoy it while it lasts! It's a great opportunity to treat yourself to some self-care and indulge in some pampering activities. When it comes to your finances, resist the need to make rash acquisitions. Instead, you should center your attention on long-term investments. When it comes to love, you can find that you have an unexpected attraction to a certain person. Maintain an open heart, and trust that things will work out as they should.

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Taurus (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says this week may result in some misunderstandings in communication. Before sending anything, you should review and recheck all of your emails and messages. On the plus side, this week is perfect for engaging in introspective activities and fostering personal development. You can connect with your inner self by spending some time writing in a notebook or meditating. When it comes to relationships, being transparent is absolutely necessary. Always tell the truth about how you feel and what your objectives are.

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Gemini (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says during this week, your ruling planet, the Moon, will be waxing, which is a symbol of growth and expansion in your life. Don't be scared to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and take advantage of fresh opportunities. At work, cooperation will be the most important factor in determining success. You may have feelings of vulnerability while you're in love, but it's important to keep in mind that genuine connections can only be made when you express who you really are.

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Cancer (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says if you're a Cancer, you should feel a surge of vitality and self-assurance right now because the Sun is currently in your sign. This is a fantastic week to launch brand-new endeavours and make progress toward achieving your goals. On the other hand, watch out for developing an excessive amount of pride or arrogance. Keep your feet on the ground and don't forget the value of being humble. Passion is just around the corner in romantic relationships. Expect some love twists and turns, regardless of whether or not you're taken.

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Leo (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says mercury's retrograde may be causing some confusion in your life at this time, but it's also a chance to rethink and reevaluate the choices you've been making. Consider your long-term objectives and the order in which you want to accomplish them. When you are really in love, you may experience feelings of distancing from your lover. Communication is the most important factor. Be honest with yourself and disclose your feelings. It is a wonderful week to make a budget and plan for the future with regard to finances.

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Virgo (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says venus is having a positive influence on Virgo at this time, providing peace and balance. This week, make it a priority to restore damaged connections and build bridges between people. Your ability to negotiate peaceful solutions will be in high demand at work. Make use of your charisma and dexterity to get through difficult situations. When it comes to love, this is the ideal season for going on intimate dates and having meaningful conversations.

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Libra (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says this week will cause your feelings and wants to become more intense. Put this energy to good use by engaging in useful activities like getting some exercise or working on creative projects. Be wary of power disputes in your place of employment. Maintain your composure, and do not get embroiled in any office politics. When two people are in love, passion fills the air. Expect some stressful moments in your life, regardless of whether you are alone or in a relationship.

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Scorpio (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says the planet that rules your sign, bestows prosperity and growth upon you. This week, I encourage you to put yourself out there and go after your goals. It's also possible that opportunities to travel will present themselves. There is always room for exploration in love. Make plans with your significant other for an impromptu getaway or romantic night. Whether you want to invest in your education or your own personal development, now is an excellent moment to do it financially.

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Sagittarius (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says this week your main goal is to maintain a level of self-discipline and concentration. This week, you should organise your to-do list and determine your specific objectives. Stay focused on the route you've chosen and do your best to avoid distractions. When it comes to relationships, consistency and dedication are emphasised. It is a wonderful time to strengthen your connections with others and to make preparations for the future.

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Capricorn (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says this week is bringing forth sudden and unexpected shifts and surprises for you, Capricorn. Accept the unknowable and move along with the current. This week, have an open mind to new events and ideas that may come your way. It's important to be spontaneous when you're in love. arrange a spontaneous trip away with your significant other or arrange a lovely gesture to surprise them.

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Aquarius (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says this week is helping you tap into your innate wisdom and creative potential, Aquarius. This week, it's important to listen to your intuition and let your creativity run free. Invest a great deal of time and energy into creative endeavours or spiritual pursuits. In love, there is always the possibility of dreamy and beautiful moments. Spend some quality time with the people you care about, and treasure the memories you make together.

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Pisces (20 January to 26 January)

Ganesha says this week, Pisces, the cosmos is suggesting that you reconsider some of the choices and acts you've made in the recent past. Your ruling planet, Mars, is in a trine aspect with the planet Neptune, which stimulates both your imagination and your psychic abilities. Explore your interests in depth and allow them to direct your path. You can run into some difficulties at work, but try to keep in mind that behind every problem lies an opportunity waiting to be discovered. Patience is a virtue that is essential in human interactions. It is important to listen more than you speak and to make an effort to comprehend the viewpoints of others.