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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Mercury In The 5th House Navamsa - Marriage, Love, Spouse, Appearance & Career

Mercury In The 5th House Navamsa - Marriage, Love, Spouse, Appearance & Career

Planet mercury is known to be gods messenger who affects our lives both positively and negatively. This planet blesses us with high intellect, creative and artistic skills, sharp logical thinking ability, and many more. The natives lead a very comfortable and luxurious lifestyle due to its 5th house position. When it is combined with Venus, you will spend a very romantic relationship your relationship filled with love and romance. This house is also named “Putra Bhava" because it is mainly related to your progeny.


Mercury in the 5th House Love as per Vedic Astrology 


Love Problem Solution Astrology is always there to deal with all the issues related to your heart's existence with your partner. You are a person who prefers brains to beauty. You will have many flings before getting married. You are a practical person who will always choose a person with a good personality over a beautiful face because you prefer quality to quantity.


When it comes to love affairs, your first priority is building a great bond of trust and understanding and matching your mental frequency with your partner. You will come across various attractive partners but you will always settle for the one with whom your mentality matches. You will marry the partner of your choice after being in a romantic relationship.


Mercury in the 5th House Marriage as per Vedic Astrology


Marriage horoscope by date of birth predicts that your assistant will constantly support and guide you at every point of your life. You will procure a great deal of adoration and regard from your accomplice because of the positive effect of mercury in your marriage life. Native’s having mercury in 5th house will get married very soon with the person of their choice. You will share a great bond of trust and understanding with your spouse which will make your relationship long-lasting.


Mercury in the 5th House Spouse Appearance


You always prefer quality to quantity when choosing your spouse, so this kind of mentality will get you along with your partner very smoothly to live a very happy and peaceful life. Overall your marriage life will be filled with love, compassion joys, and happiness and you will spend a very good life with your spouse.


Mercury in the 5th House Career as per Vedic Astrology


Career prediction speaks that you will have a very bright future in the marketing sector, advertising industry, banking sector, or accountant. You will also become very successful by working in the IT sector as a software engineer or any other technical post. Very soon you will get promoted to a higher rank after joining an IT industry. Your promotions will be very fast to take you to the peak of your career.


Your excellent communication skills you will make you a very good public speaker and your communication skills will really pay off in your career. Your career will also flourish very brightly by working as a teacher or a professor. Fifth house mercury will always provide you with all the desired career options to make you successful and satisfied in your profession.


Mercury in the 5th House Personality as per Vedic Astrology


Personalized prediction Speaks that they are a very happy and fun-loving people who are having an outgoing personality. They’re having a very good sense of humor and love to interact with people and everyone gets entertained with all the time they spend with them. Playing games like crosswords or chess will make your intellect sharper and you become a wiser person. Mercury’s 5th house also makes you speak lie under its influence.


You might choose some dishonest path to excel in your life. You’re the kind of egoistic person who will have ego clashes with colleagues, friends, and relatives due to your high ego. Your ego might hurt others' sentiments and feelings in an argument if you have a difference in opinion with others. Otherwise, you are a very social person having an extrovert personality who loves to mingle with people. You have a very kind and pure heart. Overall you have a magnetic kind of personality that catches everyone’s eye.


Positive Impact of Mercury in the 5th House


They Are never afraid in voicing their opinion because they are having a very brave personalities. They always express their creativity and Artistic qualities by using their voice. They're the kind of person who always loves to make others happy. Everyone loves to stay around this kind of positive person. They also love using their intellect in solving puzzles, math problems, tricks, and many other games using their intellect.


Negative Impact of Mercury in the 5th House


They need to get over the habit of extending things unnecessarily. Due to their high ego they many times hurt their near and dear ones with their harsh and rude words which stain any relationship very badly. They are very good at lying due to their excellent acting skills which they are hard to catch. While telling a story or anything they exaggerate it in a way to make it funnier or scarier to leave a strong impact.


Astrology consultation Is always there to act as a savior in all the ups and downs of your life. You can always talk to our astrologers and consult with them to remove the negative impacts of mercury from your career, marriage life, and love life. Though this planet mostly affects the lives of people positively and less negatively. Mercury blesses the natives with all the happiness in their professional life and conjugal life, and the natives have a very attractive personality. They are also very romantic kinds of people whose love life will be full of romance and compassion. 


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