Ganesh Jayanti is celebrated on the Chaturthi Tithi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada. It is also known as Ganesh Chaturthi, Magha Vinayaka Chaturthi, and Varad Chaturthi. According to Indian belief, Lord Ganesha was born on this day. It is believed that all the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled by fasting and worshiping on this day.
We all know that Lord Ganesha is a deity, who showers blessings on a person, all the problems of that person's life are removed and the person's life becomes happy. In such a situation, in today's article, we are going to give you information about the importance and worship of Ganesh Jayanti. If you worship Lord Ganesha properly in the auspicious time, then all your unfulfilled wishes can be fulfilled and the grace of Lord Ganesha will remain on you.
Ganesh Jayanti Puja
If you are worshiping Ganesh Jayanti, then on this day wake up in the morning and take a bath and observe the fast of Lord Ganesha.
On the auspicious day of Ganesh Jayanti, place a red cloth on a flat place and establish an idol or picture of Ganesha.
After that, you sprinkle Gangajal and bow to Ganpati Bappa.
Do tilak of Lord Ganesha with vermilion and light incense, lamp.
While worshiping Lord Ganesha, offer favorite things of Lord Ganesha like Modak or Laddu, Sindoor, and 21 Durva. After this, you should do Ganesh Aarti with your family.
After the worship is complete, you should offer some laddus near the idol of Lord Ganesha and give the first portion of all the laddus to the Brahmin and distribute it among others and family members as prasad.
Ganesh Chaturthi Importance
The day of Ganesh Jayanti is considered very auspicious. According to religious beliefs, on the day of Ganesh Jayanti, Ganeshji should be worshiped according to the law. On this day you should worship Lord Ganesha with your true devotion and love. It is believed that the devotee who worships Lord Ganesha on this day gets the auspicious results of fasting on Ganesh Chaturthi throughout the year. Lord Ganesha is regarded as the god of wisdom and auspiciousness. If his grace is on a person, then good results are obtained in life. All obstacles in human life are removed. One gets freedom from all kinds of obstacles. Offering red cloth, red flowers, red sandalwood, sweets, etc. to Lord Ganesha on Ganesh Jayanti is considered auspicious.
Ganpati Dada is worshiped all over the country on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi. Do you know that you can please Ganpati Dada by offering prasad? Usually, Modak, laddoos, and bananas should be offered to make Gajanan happy. But if you do worship, prasad, aarti everything in a good time, then Bappa fulfills all your wishes. You can talk to astrologer to know the Muhurta.