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Ketu In The 6th House Navamsa - Marriage, Love, Spouse, Appearance & Career

Ketu In The 6th House Navamsa - Marriage, Love, Spouse, Appearance & Career

Ketu in the 6th House in your natal chart is considered to be negative. They are more prone to car accidents and get injured in unfavorable conditions. They also suffer from piles. They have to face various obstructions in their life. Their determination can take them through all hardships they face in their life. They have a very strong 6th sense and are highly knowledgeable in occult science. They will gain prosperity, health, and wealth.


Ketu in the 6th House Love as per Vedic Astrology 


Love astrology predicts they will experience a very dissatisfied life where there would be no chemistry in their relationship. They are very fickle-minded and unstable personalities who cannot stay with a partner for a very long period of time. Stability in their love life is missing and they will have no long-lasting partner. The relationship would be dry and would be filled with lust and the intention of satisfying personal desires. There will be no emotional or physical bonding with their lover. They would cheat on their partner since they are dissatisfied with them emotionally or physically. There is a lack of admiration and appreciation in their love life. Native’s love life will be the reason for misery with the passage of time.

Ketu in the 6th House Marriage as per Vedic Astrology  


Marriage astrology speaks they would lead a completely unsatisfied married lifestyle. Because there is no cordial courting between the companions. Your spouse will expire at a very young age and won’t be healthy always in life. They will not share an intimate relationship like a husband-wife due to which marital bliss would be missing. Your partner would not be a romantic person as you expect him to be and will not be able to meet your needs and keep you happy. The native will get married for the second time but there’s a very less chance of being happy in the second marriage. You will still feel lonely like being in a loveless marriage where your partner might not support and take good care of you. This will make you feel more miserable and helpless.


Ketu in 6th House Spouse Appearance


Ketu in this house gives unfortunate marriage with lack of peace, lack of enthusiasm, lack of happiness in married life. The spouse may die early or remain unwell throughout life. There will be no harmony or bed comfort in the married life of the native. There will be a lack of marital harmony and romance in the married life of the native. The native may marry more than once in life but still, there will be unhappiness and lack of love and care in his life.


Ketu in the 6th House Career as per Vedic Astrology 


Career astrology says natives would become successful if they explore professions such as occult scientists, and spiritual guides. They would become a very well-versed speaker if they choose the field of spirituality or religion. They will be very famous in their career and have many fans and followers. They can gather a large number of people’s support if they choose to deliver a speech on topics that revolve around religion or spirituality. You will acquire the rise of success in your career after the age of 50.

Ketu in the 6th House Personality as per Vedic Astrology  


Personalized prediction says they will be very much aggressive and rude in their personality. They might have a double standard personality and a criminal mindset where they get easily involved in illegal activities and involved in malicious affairs. They will have an unparalleled skill of communication that captures the audience’s mind and heart. They also can work as a great motivator, who can captivate the audience's mind. They can easily win debate competitions with their vast amount of knowledge and ability to argue with skills of communication. They won’t maintain cordial relations with their relatives. They have many secret enemies who always trap them to get them in trouble. They cannot stand humiliation and criticism if they are not guilty.

Positive Impact of Ketu in the 6th House  


They will develop a special inclination toward spirituality. They can motivate anyone very easily with their unparalleled conversation skills. They will be in good health and prosperity in their life. They have a very good immune system which can fight diseases and illness very well. They are having high blood sugar levels but they bring it in under control. They will always stay high in their energy and have a strong determination in life which paves their path to success.

Negative Impact of Ketu in the 6th House  


Placement in the sixth house Ketu is not very positive. They would suffer from serious health issues which are incurable. They are most prone to face accidents and get injured.




Talk to Astrologers Online to know how to save yourself from the negative effects of Ketu in your life which can destroy your family, career, and personal life. They are very likely to suffer from various health problems. Our Astrologer’s assistance is always there to provide all kinds of guidance related to your health and well-being to make your love life more peaceful and Romantic.


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