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Jupiter Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant - Know its Effect

Jupiter Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant - Know its Effect

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Jupiter shares a friendly relationship with it. Apart from this, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. It is a balanced situation as the wisdom given by Jupiter stabilizes the flow of susceptibilities and the mind (represented by the Moon). When Jupiter is situated in Cancer, the native is generally very handsome. Such a person is of extraordinary intellectual ability, highly learned, and also a scholar.

Such people become great mathematicians. The cosmic world, including our bodies, is made up of the five elements, the Panchabhutas, and our physical matter can contain up to 70% water. Since Jupiter relates itself to elaboration, and Cancer is a water sign ruled by Moon, which is a watery planet, this situation leads to a fatty and healthy body. Jupiter in Cancer also gives water assumption.

Jupiter in Cancer ascendant also makes a native good-natured, generous, charitable, truthful, and honest. These natives have a good sense of moral principles and follow the guidelines. They become great friends and also get emotionally attached to their friends. Although they sometimes indulge in gossip. This position of Jupiter also provides immense wealth to the native. They accumulate a lot of money because of their savings habits and good money management ability.

Results of Jupiter Mahadasha for Cancer┬аAscendant

Jupiter i.e. Jupiter is the lord of the sixth house in Cancer ascendant. Being the ruler of the sixth house, Jupiter represents disease, debt, insult, enemy, worry, doubt, pain, maternal uncle, false speech, yoga practice, landlordism, and moneylender. To avoid all these in your life, it is necessary to have a strong position of Jupiter in your Kundli. Otherwise, it will give you very bad results.

In this Lagna Kundli, Jupiter is the lord of the sixth and ninth house and is also a close friend of the ascendant lord Moon. For these reasons, Jupiter is the most beneficial planet in this horoscope. In the first, second, fourth, fifth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh houses, the deity Jupiter gives auspicious outcomes according to their capability in their situation. In any house of the horoscope, if the Jupiter deity sets sitting with the Sun, then his strength is increased by wearing his gem topaz.

Positive Effects of Jupiter Mahadasha for Cancer┬аAscendant

Cancer sign is the exalted sign of Jupiter, as well as being situated in the Lagna, Jupiter gets the power of direction. If there is a Jupiter in the Ascendant, then the native becomes cognoscente, faithful, and a devotee of his father. In Mahadasha and Antardasha of Jupiter, there is a possibility of having a son, good health, strong willpower, happy married life, benefits in partnership work, foreign travel, and love marriage.

Being in a higher zodiac sign, there is a gradual increase in auspicious results. Such a person gets the full support of money, family, and family. Sweet voice. He overcomes all difficulties with his energy, influence, speech, and decision-making ability. There is victory in the competition, and court case. Obstacles are removed and there is progress in professional life.

Here, in the case of Veeparat Raja Yoga, Jupiter gives auspicious results, otherwise, there is a decrease in the auspicious results. Expenses are incurred in law court cases and hospitals. The danger of an accident remains. Professional life gets worse. The family does not get along. There is a loss of money. The person is very hardworking. The destiny of the person supports him only after a lot of tough work. Your younger brother's yoga is formed. It is of religious tendency.

Negative Effect of Jupiter's Mahadasha on Cancer┬аAscendant

Married life is not happy, there is a possibility of loss in the work of sharing. Relations with elder siblings get spoiled. Jatak gets some good results after a lot of hard work, and relations with their younger siblings get spoiled. Jatak is a devotee of his father, one who travels abroad. The cooperation and benefits of elder brothers and sisters are received only after a lot of hard work. The person gets some results after working hard. There is a chance of getting stomach-related disease.

The mind remains troubled. Expenses are incurred in law court cases and hospitals. There is a failure in competition, and in law court cases, and there is no happiness in the land, paternal house, or vehicle. There is a decrease in the pleasure of the mother. There is a hindrance in all the work and tension-depression remains. Here, in the case of Veeparit Raja Yoga, Jupiter gives auspicious results, otherwise, it should be understood as a lack of auspicious results.


In Cancer Ascendant Kundli, Dev Guru Brihaspati is Shasthesh (lord of the 6th house), and Navamesh (lord of the 9th house). So there is a factoring house. Note that it should be considered best for a causative planet to be strong in strength and to be in an auspicious position, and for a malefic planet to be weak in strength. Only after proper analysis of the Kundli through Astrology Phone Consultation, is the remedial decision taken whether to strengthen the said planet with gems, to reduce the effect of the planet through charity, to pacify the planet with a water flow of certain elements, or By chanting the mantra, we have to get protection by getting the blessings of the said planet.

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