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Know About Veeparit Raj yoga in Kundali

Know About Veeparit Raj yoga in Kundali

When in the birth chart of a person, the lord of the three houses, the sixth house, the eighth house, and the lord of the twelfth house is sitting in the same triad as in the 6th, 8th, and 12th house, then it creates the Veeparit Raja Yoga in the Kundali. Its full result will be obtained only when the Ascendant is in a good position in Kundali. Any person who has this yoga in their birth chart has to face many difficulties in their lifetime. They do not have to go through adversity. When everything of that person comes on the verge of destruction, then they make amazing progress in life with the cooperation of people through different types of mediums. They reach the highest peak in Their field on sight. They get the blessings of God in difficult circumstances. They find someone who pushes them on the path of progress.


Veeparit Raj Yoga is Formed in Three Types in Kundali


Harsh Vipreet Raj Yoga┬а


When the owner of the sixth house is sitting in the sixth house, the eighth house, or the twelfth house in the Kundali of a person, then Harsh Vipreet Raj Yoga is formed. The result of this Raja Yoga will be obtained only when the Ascendant becomes strong.


Benefits of Harsh Vipreet Raj Yoga┬а


The person who has Harsh Vipreet Raj Yoga in their birth chart achieves success by defeating his enemies. Such a person is blessed with a son and becomes wealthy. Such a person has more immunity to diseases. Such a person gets the support of money from the bank or from friends and moves ahead by taking a loan. They have many friends.


Saral Vipreet Raj Yoga


When the lord of the eighth house is in the sixth house, the eighth house, or the twelfth house in a person's Kundali, it creates a Vipreet Saral Raj Yoga in the Kundali. In contrast, the result of Raja Yoga will be obtained only when the Ascendant is strong in Kundali.


Benefits of Vipreet Saral Raj Yoga


Any person who has a Vipreet Saral Raj Yoga in their Kundali, such a person does not leave Their work incomplete. They get the company of big people, they suddenly get sudden wealth from which they move ahead in their life. They are intelligent and know the secrets.


Vimal Vipreet Raj Yoga


When the owner of the twelfth house in the Kundali of a person sits in the sixth house, the eighth house, or the twelfth house, then Vipreet Vimal Raj Yoga is formed in the horoscope. The result of this Raja Yoga will be obtained only when the Ascendant becomes strong.


Benefits of Vimal Vipreet Raj Yoga


In whose horoscope this Raj Yoga is being formed, he will be a person of independent thinking, such a person saves more. Such a person achieves success by going away from home.


Vipreet Raj Yoga is not harmful to any person, but due to this yoga, a person gets success after working hard. If you want to know which yoga is being formed in your Kundali, then talk to Astrologer. An astrologer can check your Kundali and tell you about the yoga being formed in your Kundali.

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