How Many Types of Gunas are in Kundali Matching?
Marriage is considered to be the most important part of a person's life. Before the marriage is fixed in India, the parents of the bride and groom get the horoscope matched. According to astrology, it is necessary to match the horoscope of the bride and groom before marriage. According to astrology, if the qualities of the bride and groom are not found in the Kundali matching, then they may have to face many problems in life. On the basis of planets, yoga, constellation, zodiac, etc., astrology matches the Kundali of the bride and the groom. Kundali matching gives an idea of how the married life of the bride and groom will go.
Kundli matching or Guna matching before marriage is also called Ashtakoot matching. In this, the position of the planets and constellations at the time of the birth of the boy and the girl are seen. According to astrology, the qualities of bride and groom are divided into 8 parts in Kundli matching. In this way, there are eight total codes - Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot, and Nadi. Kundli matching has a maximum of 36 points, whereas in Ashtakoot matching at least 18 Gunas should be found, only then do astrologers allow marriage. The marriage of both of them should be done only after getting more than 18 qualities of the bride and groom.
There are 8 Parts Of Kundali Matching
Varna Milan: (Point 1)
Varna means nature and looks. There are four types of Varnas Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishya, and Shudras. Whatever the caste of the boy or the girl, their nature and color are any one of these four. All this combination is of great importance in Kundli matching. If there is a similarity in the character of the bride and groom, then the ability of both to work is good, due to which both develop after marriage. Read more...
Vashya Milan: (Point 2)
Vashya is also related to personality. There are five types of Vashya Chatuspad (Quadrupeds), Human(Nara), Jalachar(water-dwellers), Vanchar (wild beast), and Keet(Insects). Vashya shows the attraction of the bride and groom towards each other. Due to the good numbers of Vashya in the horoscope of the bride and groom, the children born of both are beautiful and lucky. Read more...
Tara Milan: (Point 3)
The Tara represents the fate of the bride and groom. From the constellation of birth time to the 27 constellations divided into 9 parts, 9 Tara have been made – Janam, Sampat, Vipata, Kshema, Pratyari, Sadhaka, Vadha, Mitra, and Ati-Mitra. Counting the stars from the constellation of the bride to the constellation of the bride and from the constellation of the bride to the constellation of the groom, there should be no pat, retaliation, and slaughter, the remaining stars should be fine. After marriage, due to the good numbers of Tara in the Kundali of boys and girls, the lack of both of them increases. Read more...
Yoni Milan: (Point 4)
On the basis of different animals, there are 14 yoni Horses, elephants, Sheep, snakes, dogs, Cat, Rat, Cow, Buffalo, Tiger, Hare/Deer, Monkey, Lion, and Mongoose. Yoni matching is essential for physical satisfaction. Attraction towards the opposite sex in marriage is due to the yoni. Read more...
Grah Maitri Milan: (Point 5)
The relation of Grah Maitri is the nature of a person. In the Kundali of the bride and groom, the friendship of the owners of mutual zodiac signs shows love. This leads to a happy and stress-free life. Read more...
Gana Milan: (Point 6)
Gana refers to the social status of a person. There are three types of Gana Deva, Rakshasa, and Manav beings. When the numbers of Gan are better in the horoscope of the bride and groom, the nature of both matches well with each other, and property increases. Read more...
Bhakoot Milan: (Point 7)
Bhakoot signifies life and age. Bhakoot shows how much the bride and groom will be together after marriage. The physical relationship in the Kundali both prolongs the life and maintains the mutual relationship between the two. Read more...
Nadi Dosha Milan: (Point 8)
Nadi represents the child. Nadi matching gives an idea of how the child will be born from the relationship between the two. Having one Nadi leads to problems related to children and the health of both remains bad. Read more...
According to astrology, Kundali matching is necessary to get rid of the obstacles that come after marriage. If you also want to get the horoscope matched, then you can do it by talking to astrologers with advice of astrology. Astrology can analyze the horoscope of both of you and match the Kundali.