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Effects of Planets in Pisces Ascendant

Effects of Planets in Pisces Ascendant

The people born in Pisces ascendant are of medium size and have a fair complexion. Their nose is high and their hair is curly. Such people are contemplatives. They have devotion to God and follow social customs fanatically. People of this ascendant are not practical but sensitive and visionary. The people of this ascendant with mixed nature of optimist and pessimist are not able to form their own opinion on any one issue.


Effect of Moon Planet in Pisces Ascendant


In Pisces ascendant, Moon is the lord of the fifth house, mother, land, building, vehicle, quadrangle, friend, partnership, peace, water, public, permanent property, kindness, benevolence, deceit, deceit, state of conscience, consumption of aquatic substances. Represents the subjects of accumulated wealth, false accusations, love, love affair, love marriage, etc.

Due to the strong and benefic influence of the Moon in the birth chart of the person or his Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being weak and under the inauspicious effect of the Moon gives inauspicious results.


Effect of Sun Planet in Pisces Ascendant


Sun being the lord of the sixth house, deals with diseases, debts, enemies, humiliation, worry, doubt, pain, maternal grandmother, false speech, yoga practice, zamindari merchant attitude, moneylender, advocacy, addiction, knowledge, any good bad addiction, etc. is representative.

Due to the strong and benefic influence of the Sun in the Kundali of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being weak and under the inauspicious effect of the Sun gives inauspicious results.


Effect of Mars in Pisces Ascendant


Mars is the lord of the second and ninth house, being the lord of the second house, the person's family, eyes (right), nose, throat, ears, vocals, diamonds, pearls, gem jewelry, beauty, singing, speech, family, etc. Whereas being the ninth lord, it is representative of religion, virtue, fortune, guru, brahmin, deity, pilgrimage, devotion, mental attitude, fortune, modesty, tenacity, migration, father's happiness, pilgrimage, charity, peepal, etc.

Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Mars in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas being weak and under the inauspicious effect of Mars gives inauspicious results.


Effect of Venus in Pisces Ascendant


Venus is the lord of the third and eighth houses in Pisces Ascendant. Being Tittyesh, it represents references to the native's servants, siblings, consumption of indecent substances, anger, confusion, writing, computer, accounts, mobile, effort, courage, bravery, cough, exercise, slavery, etc. Cause of this ailment, life, age, cause of death, mental anxiety, sea travel, atheist thought stream, in-laws, misfortune, poverty, laziness, hidden place, prison journey, hospital, severe operation, exorcism, witchcraft, horrific of life Daruna is the representative of sorrow, etc.

Due to the strong and benefic influence of Venus in the horoscope of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being weak and under the inauspicious effect of Venus gives inauspicious results.


Effect of Mercury in Pisces Ascendant


Mercury is the owner of the fourth house, the mother of the person, land, building, vehicle, quadrupole, friend, partnership, peace, water, public, permanent property, kindness, benevolence, deceit, deceit, state of conscience, consumption of aquatic substances, accumulated wealth, It represents the subjects of false accusation,┬а love, love affair, love marriage, etc.

Due to the strong and benefic influence of Mercury in the Kundali of the person or Their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being weak and under the inauspicious effect of the Mercury gives inauspicious results.


Effect of Jupiter in Pisces Ascendant


Jupiter being the lord of the tenth house represents the person's state, prestige, deeds, father, sovereignty, business, authority, havan, rituals, opulent enjoyment, fame, leadership, foreign travel, paternal wealth, etc.

Due to the strong and benefic influence of Jupiter in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas being weak and under the inauspicious effect of Jupiter gives inauspicious results.


Effect of Saturn in Pisces Ascendant


Saturn is the lord of the eleventh and twelfth house in Pisces Ascendant. Being the lord of the eleventh house, it represents the subjects of greed, profit, selfishness, slavery, servitude, childlessness, daughter-in-law, maternal uncle, brother, elder brother, sister, corruption, bribery, dishonesty, etc. It represents sleep, travel, loss, charity, expenditure, punishment, unconsciousness, dog, fish, salvation, foreign travel, enjoyment, opulence, lust, adultery, vain travel, etc.

Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Saturn in the birth chart of the person or Their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas being weak and under the inauspicious effect of Saturn gives inauspicious results.


Effect of Rahu in Pisces Ascendant


Rahu gets the responsibility of being the seventh lord in Pisces ascendant, due to which this person is representative of Lakshmi, woman, sex, death, sex, theft, quarrel, disturbance, disturbance, genital, business, fire, etc.

Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Rahu in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas Being weak and under the inauspicious effect of the Rahu gives inauspicious results.


Effect of Planet Ketu in Pisces Ascendant


Ketu gets the responsibility of being the Ascendant in Pisces ascendant, because of this it represents the person's form, sign, caste, body, age, happiness, sorrow, conscience, mind, nature, shape, and complete personality of the person.

Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Ketu in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas being weak and under the inauspicious effect of the Ketu gives inauspicious results.


Nine houses exert different influences in Pisces ascendant. Talk to Astrologer to know more about Pisces Ascendant.

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