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Vimshottari Dasha of Kundali and How to Calculate Mahadasha

Vimshottari Dasha of Kundali and How to Calculate Mahadasha

In astrology, many types of rules are used to get the result for any Kundali. In those rules, there is also a rule or law Vimshottari Dasha. By using Dasha one gets to know about the future of man. We are going to tell you about Vimshottari Dasha through this article.

Vimshottari Antardasha Meaning

Vimshottari Dasha means the period of time. The period of time is governed by fixed planets. Vimshottari Dasha is based on the moon constellation. Because of this, its prediction is considered to be the most accurate. Vimshottari Dasha is called Mahadasha.

Vimshottari Dasha Periods

In ancient times, the age of man was considered to be 120 years, but gradually the age of man kept on decreasing and in today's time the age of man has increased from 50 to 80 years. In this method, all nine planets are given a specific time period. There is a complete cycle of 120 years for the Mahadasha of all nine planets. This chakra is divided into 9 parts. According to astrology, each and every part is ruled by some or the other planet.

Vimshottari Mahadasha

Vimshottari Mahadasha lasts for a long time. Other Dashas like Antardasha last for a few months to two to three years whereas the Pratyantara Dasha lasts for a few days to a few months only. The Mahadasha and Antardasha of the planets come from time to time in the Kundali of the person.

How to Calculate Mahadasha

A special type of chart is given and a rule is used to calculate the Mahadasha. According to this rule, three nakshatras are allotted to each planet i.e. with nine planets there are 27 nakshatras. Different constellations are determined on different planets. Nakshatras determine the Mahadasha of some planets at the time of birth. The duration of Dasha in a Nakshatra also depends on the location of the Moon. If the Moon enters any Nakshatra at the time of birth, then the Mahadasha of the ruling planet of the Nakshatra will be attained.

Vimshottari Dasha Calculator

Mahadasha refers to the Vimshottari dasha of a planet, with each planet having its own specified period. This Mahadasha can be further divided into Antardasha, Pratyantardasha, and so on. Mahadasha of Moon lasts for 10 years, Sun for 6 years, Mercury for 17 years, Venus for 20 years, Mars for 7 years, Jupiter for 16 years, Saturn for 19 years, Rahu for 18 years, and Ketu for 7 years. When these periods are added together, there is a total of 120 years.

Mahadasha Years, Planets and their Based Nakshatras

  • The Mahadasha year in the Sun planet is of 6 years and its nakshatra are Kritika, Uttara Phalguni, and Uttara Ashadha.

  • The Mahadasha year of the Moon planet is 10 years. Its nakshatras are Rohini, Hasta, and Shravana.

  • The Mahadasha of Mars is of 7 years. Its constellations are Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishtha.

  • The Mahadasha year for the planet Rahu is of 18 years and there are three nakshatra Adra, Swati, and Shatabhisha under it.

  • Similarly, the Mahadasha year of Jupiter is 16 years and the nakshatra are Punarvasu, Visakha, and Purva Bhadrapada.

  • The period of Mahadasha of the planet Venus is of 20 years and the nakshatra falling under it are Poorva Phalguni, Poorva Ashadha, and Bharani.

  • The Mahadasha of Saturn is of 19 years. The constellations falling under it are Pushpa, Anuradha, and Uttarabhadrapada.

  • The time of Mahadasha of a bride is of 17 years. Its constellations are Ashlesha, Jyestha, and Revati.

  • The Mahadasha period for the planet Ketu is 7 years. Magha, Moola, and Ashwani Nakshatra come under this.

Vishtottari Dasha Effects

A rule has been given to determine the result of Vimshottari Dasha. According to that rule, some planets are naturally auspicious according to the ascendant. For example, Saturn is auspicious for Aries ascendant, Saturn for Taurus ascendant, Mercury for Virgo ascendant, and Mars is auspicious for Cancer ascendant. Even after the planets are naturally auspicious for the Ascendant, it is important to keep in mind how strong and how weak the planet is in Kundali. If that planet is debilitated, it gives inauspicious results even after being auspicious.

Saturn, Mars, and Sun are considered to be malefic planets, but if it is the lord of the Kendra houses, then their Dasha-Antardasha can also benefit, that is why astrology has considered the Kendra houses to be very important.


The Vimshottari, Mahadasha, and Antardashas of the planets last for a few years. If you also want to know whether Mahadasha or Vimshottari is going on in your Kundali or not, then go through an astrology phone consultation.

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