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Vamana Avatar Relationship with Jupiter - In Astrology

Vamana Avatar Relationship with Jupiter - In Astrology

Vamana is the fifth incarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu in the form of a handsome young Brahmin. This incarnation was taken to defeat the demon king Bali, also known as Mahabali, as he was becoming very powerful. Vishnu in this incarnation was called Vamana because he had a dwarf form. He was also called Trivikram because he had conquered all three worlds, Prithvi, Heaven, and Hades. He assumed a gigantic size to defeat King Bali and took three steps with his feet and conquered the universe. His other name is Upendra, as he was the younger brother of Lord Indra. There is a special Purana named after him.


Vamana is a Vishnu avatar related to the planet Jupiter, called Trivikrama, for his three steps to measure the three worlds. Trivikram is the main form of Vishnu in Rigveda. Perhaps that is why Kerala became the land of the Vedas.


Vamana Avatar: Dwarf Avatar


According to the Srimad Bhagavatam, there lived a great Asura king named Bali during the Satya Yuga. He was the grandson of Prahlad. He defeated Lord Indra, the king of the gods, and took control of the Dev Lok. This deranged Aditi and Kashyapa Muni, who were the parents of the gods.


Aditi and Kashyapa prayed to Vishnu that their sons should be safe from demons. Through prayer and service, Lord Vishnu appeared in the house of Kashyap and his wife. Then, Lord Vishnu took the form of Vamana, a dwarf Brahmin.


Lord Vamana attended the yajna (sacrifice) of King Mahabali, who was famous for his generosity. The king paid respect to this boy Vamana. He greeted her and said that he wanted to donate something to her. Vamana asked for only three steps of land. Mahabali was surprised and asked Vamana to askes for more alms.


Anyway, Bali gave him that land, ignoring the teachings of his guru Shukracharya. At that time, the dwarf had grown to a great extent and with one leg he secured the earth, with the other he secured the sky and reached for the third leg to the god. The Lord bowed respectfully and offered his head for the third step. Thus the gods were pleased and Bali was thrown into the underworld. There he was made the imperishable king.


Connection of Vamana Avatar with Jupiter


Vamana or dwarf may seem similar in nature to Jupiter which is also the largest of all the planets. In astrology, Jupiter's planet is known as Devguru. It is the lord of Pisces and Sagittarius signs. It is considered the karaka planet of knowledge, children, religion and development, etc. Just as Lord Vishnu in Vamana avatar said that a person who cannot control his senses will not be happy even after getting all the wealth of the world, but one who can control his senses, he will be happy in any situation. Those who focus on material possessions may have a lot of money but they are never satisfied.


In astrology, the planet Jupiter is considered the causative planet of happiness, wealth, married life, children, and marriage. People whose horoscope Jupiter is situated in the exalted house, always give good and auspicious results. On the other hand, if the position of Guru is weak in the horoscope, then there is always a lack of knowledge, respect, and wealth in the life of the person. Among the nine planets, Jupiter is considered to be the factor of Guru and Mantra. They govern gold, finance and wealth, law, religion, knowledge, mantras, and rituals.


If Devguru Brihaspati is situated in an auspicious place in the horoscope of a person then it creates Raja Yoga for them and due to the effect of Raja Yoga, the person touches the heights of success. They get great success in every field. It is advised to worship the Vamana avatar to transform Jupiter's energy. By online phone consultation with an astrologer, you can know how Vamana avatar is worshipped!

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