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Sun in Scorpio Ascendant - Astrological Guide

Sun in Scorpio Ascendant - Astrological Guide

Sury dev is said to be the cause of the soul, bones, heart, and eyes in the body. Sun the lord of the Leo zodiac, is the tenth house in the Kundali of Scorpio ascendant. Therefore, the person of this ascendant can be made to wear Sun Gem Ruby after taking stock of the auspicious position of the Sun in the Ascendant Kundli. Let us tell you that only after proper analysis of the birth chart, the decision regarding the remedy is taken that the said planet has to be strengthened with the gemstone, the planet has to be reduced by donation, the planet has to be pacified by the water flow of some elements.



Sun in all 12 Houses for Scorpio Ascendant


Sun in 1st House Scorpio Ascendant


If there is Sun in the Ascendant, then the person can be energetic, and hot-tempered. Health remains good during the Mahadasha of the Sun. There is a possibility of getting profit from the work of the partnership. Married life remains happy. There is an increase in daily income. The sum of profit is made from the government or the state side. If the Sun is sacrificial, then there is a possibility of being in a high position in their Mahadasha.


Sun in 2nd House Scorpio Ascendant


The family gets along with the family. The voice is fierce. Obstacles are conquered in the Mahadasha of the Sun, and wealth increases.


Sun in 3rd House Scorpio Ascendant


The person is very hardworking. Even after a lot of hard work, the luck of the person rarely supports them. The younger brother's yoga is formed. Believes in religion. Native has a difference of opinion with the father. Younger siblings don't get along with their sisters.


Sun in 4th House Scorpio Ascendant


With the Sun in the fourth house in the Mahadasha of the Sun, the person gets the happiness of land, house, vehicle, and mother. Work also comes in advanced condition. There is a possibility of foreign settlement. In the Mahadasha of Sun, one can get a government job or get a high position, honor, and prestige increase in society.


Sun in 5th House Scorpio Ascendant


Suddenly there is a situation of profit. Relations with elder brothers and sisters remain cordial, and the sum of the increase in profit is formed. The health of the person remains good and in their Kundali, the chances of getting a son are formed. The sum of success in love relationships is formed.


Sun in 6th House Scorpio Ascendant


The court case, hospital cost. The fear of accidents remains. The person gets success after a lot of hard work. In the Mahadasha of the Sun, some new tension remains. can become ill.


Sun in 7th House Scorpio Ascendant


The married life of the native remains happy. There is progress in the source of daily income, the spouse may be arrogant and a little quarrelsome. The native is likely to get benefits from businesses and partners. Partnership benefits. Health remains good during the Mahadasha of the Sun. Progress is made after marriage.


Sun in 8th House Scorpio Ascendant


Due to the placement of the Sun in the eighth house here, there is a hindrance in all the work of the person. Wisdom does not help. Speech gets worse. Money decreases. Family support is not available.


Sun in 9th House Scorpio Ascendant


The person is a believer, a paternal devotee. travels abroad. Younger siblings get along. In the Mahadasha of the Sun, the sum of luck rises with the father.


Sun in 10th House Scorpio Ascendant


In the Mahadasha of Sun, the person gets complete happiness in land, house, vehicle, and mother. Professional life is improved, and the sum of government jobs is formed. The sum of foreign settlement is formed. If you already have a job, you will progress.


Sun in 11th House Scorpio Ascendant


If situated here, relations with elder brothers and sisters are good, benefits are available, and there is a possibility of getting minor diseases in the stomach. The intellect becomes a little aggressive. 


Sun in 12th  House Scorpio Ascendant


Due to being debilitated, the mind remains troubled in the Mahadasha of the Sun. Such a person becomes nervous due to small things, court cases, and hospital expenses. The fear of accidents remains. In the Mahadasha of Sun, unnecessary expenditure of the person remains.


Sun in Scorpio Ascendant gives positive and negative results depending on its position. To know more about Scorpio Ascendant talk to Astrologer.

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