Effects of Planets in Scorpio Ascendant
The native of Scorpio ascendant earns success in life by completing his tasks through hard work and dedication. Due to the interest in different subjects, one gets to know about many subjects. Such a person is counted among the best scholars in the family and in his family.
The people of Scorpio ascendant are ambitious and dear to friends and siblings. Self-power has predominance them and there is always a desire to accumulate more and more money in life. Their personality is either scary or attractive.
Effect of Mars in Scorpio Ascendant
Mars is ascendant and Rogesh in Scorpio Ascendant Kundli. Being the lord of the ascendant house, it is considered to be the first karaka planet in Kundali. Mars placed in the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, tenth, and eleventh house gives auspicious results in its Dasha and Antardasha according to its capability. If Mars is placed in the third, sixth, eighth, ninth, and twelfth house, then it will give inauspicious results according to the strength of its fraction because here it loses its merit due to being in the wrong house.
If Mars is in a debilitated or debilitated state in any of the houses in this ascendant, then coral, the gem of the deity of Mars, is worn. If Mars is lying in the wrong house in the rising state, then its inauspiciousness is reduced by donating and reciting it.
Effect of Jupiter in Scorpio Ascendant
In Scorpio Ascendant Kundali, Jupiter is the lord of the second and fifth house. Due to being the lord of two good houses and the Lagna Mars being a friend, Jupiter is considered to be a very yogic planet in this horoscope. If Jupiter is placed in the first house, in the second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, or eleventh house, then it gives auspicious results according to its ability in its Dasha and Antardasha.
If Brihaspati Dev is lying in the third, sixth, eighth, and twelfth house then it will always give inauspicious results in its Dasha and Antardasha. If Brihaspati Dev is in the ascendant position in any house in this ascendant Kundali, then the gemstone of Jupiter, Pukhraj is worn.
Effect of Saturn in Scorpio Ascendant
In the Scorpio Ascendant Kundali, Shani is the lord of the third and fourth houses and is considered to be an equal planet in the horoscope. If Saturn is situated in the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh house in this ascendant, then it gives auspicious results in its Dasha and Antardasha according to its capability.
If Shani Dev is placed in the third, sixth, eighth, or twelfth house in this ascendant, then it gives inauspicious results according to its capability. Shani Dev's gem should never be worn in this ascendant Kundali. If Shani Dev is inauspicious, then the inauspiciousness is reduced by worshiping and donating to him.
Effect of Venus in Scorpio Ascendant
Venus is the lord of the seventh and twelfth house in Scorpio Ascendant Kundli. Due to being the lord of Marak place, Venus is considered the Marak planet of this Kundali. In this Ascendant Kundli, Venus being an antidote will always give inauspicious results in its Dasha and Antardasha. Being a malefic planet, the gem of the planet Venus should never be worn by the native of this Kundali. The inauspiciousness of this planet should be reduced by worshiping and worshiping the planet Venus.
Effect of Mercury in Scorpio Ascendant
Mercury is the lord of the eighth and eleventh house in Scorpio ascendant. Due to the extreme enmity with the ascendant Mars, Mercury becomes the malefic planet of this Kundali. Due to being the malefic planet of this ascendant Kundali, the deity of Mercury will always give inauspicious results. One should never wear the gemstone emerald of the planet Mercury in this ascendant Kundali.
Their inauspiciousness is removed by worshiping and donating the deity of Mercury. If the deity Mercury is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house, then it also gives auspicious results by coming in opposite Raja Yoga, but for this, it is very necessary to sacrifice and be auspicious to the Lagna mangal.
Effect of Moon in Scorpio Ascendant
Moon is the lord of the ninth house in Scorpio ascendant. Being the lord of fortune and the friend of the ascendant Mars, Moon gives auspicious results in its Dasha and Antardasha according to its capability. If the Moon God is placed in the first, third, sixth, eighth, and twelfth house, then Moon God will give inauspicious results according to their ability. If the Moon God is in a set position in any house, then their gemstone pearl is worn.
Effect of Sun Planet in Scorpio Ascendant
In Scorpio's ascendant horoscope, Surya dev is the lord of the tenth house. Being the friend planet of Lagnesh Mars, the sun is considered to be a very yogic planet in this horoscope. If the sun is placed in the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh house in this ascendant, then it gives auspicious results according to its capability in its Dasha and Antardasha.
If the Sun is placed in the third, sixth, eighth, or twelfth house in this ascendant, then the Sun will give inauspicious results according to his ability. If the sun is the giver of auspicious results, then his gem ruby тАЛтАЛis worn. If the Surya dev is in an inauspicious house, then the inauspiciousness of the sun is reduced by worshiping and donating to them.
Effect of Rahu in Scorpio Ascendant
Being the ruler of the eleventh house, the person is representative of the subjects of greed, profit, selfishness, slavery, servitude, the inferiority of children, daughter-in-law, tau, uncle, brother, elder brother and sister, corruption, bribery, dishonesty, etc. Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Rahu in the birth chart or its Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results. Being under the weak and inauspicious effect of Rahu gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Ketu Planet in Scorpio Ascendant
Being the owner of the fifth house, the person's intellect, soul, memory, power to acquire knowledge, policy, self-confidence, management system, devotion, patriotism, renunciation of job, ways to get money, effortless money acquisition, gambling, lottery, It is representative of subjects such as speculation, gastritis, son, child, worship by mantra, fasting, renown, fame, self-respect, ego, etc.
Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Ketu in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period,┬а the person gets auspicious results. Being under the weak and inauspicious effect of Ketu gives inauspicious results.
Gemstones can be worn in Scorpio ascendant to remove the malefic effects of planets. Talk to Astrologer to know which gemstone you should wear according to your zodiac sign.