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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Sun Conjunct Mercury Transit – Know its Effects

Sun Conjunct Mercury Transit – Know its Effects

If you have this aspect in your birth chart, because Mercury was traveling very fast at the time of this conjunction, it means that your mind is so sharp and so full of information that you need to express the vastness of your entire perception. I find it difficult. You are here to become the guardian of some kind of sacred esoteric knowledge. You must either go on a journey to find lost knowledge or be tasked with protecting such knowledge from being lost or falling into the wrong hands.


This may involve sifting through massive amounts of information in search of the slightest hints and the most subtle clues to lead them to the next step on their journey. Conversely, it may involve encoding knowledge that may "hide in plain sight" and have deeper secrets and purposes revealed only to those who have traveled far enough to be initiated into its knowledge.

It's a great time to share ideas, plan, buy and sell, negotiate, and meet new people. You think and speak clearly and can explain your thoughts and ideas easily and directly. There may also be an increase in communication, chatting, reading, and writing through the Internet.


Sun Conjunct Mercury Transit Meaning


During the combination between the Sun and Mercury, our points of view are all the more clear and centered. This lucidity can prompt new bits of knowledge and leap forward, particularly in scholarly or instructive pursuits. With the impact of Mercury, our relational abilities are upgraded. We can offer our viewpoints all the more actually and express our thoughts with certainty. This can prompt fruitful dealings and exchanges. The Sun represents our center personality. When it lines up with Mercury, our self-articulation is increased. This can appear in various ways, from imaginative undertakings to how you introduce yourself to other people.


Sun Mercury Conjunction Transit


To take full advantage of this transit's energy, critical to participate in exercises to animate the psyche and support self-articulation. This could incorporate perusing, composing, participating in animating discussions, or dealing with imaginative undertakings. This transit is fairly like the Mercury Conjunct Descending Transit. Where correspondence in connections is featured. The Mercury conjunct Sun transit puts more accentuation on self-articulation and individual personality.

The courier of the divine beings. This imagery is reflected in its astrological importance. As it oversees correspondence, data trade, and scholarly comprehension. It is likewise connected with movement, exchange, and discussion, mirroring the job of the god Mercury as an aide driving spirits to the hidden world.


The job of the Sun in astrology isn't restricted to its rulership and house affiliations as it were. Its position in various signs and houses in the natal chart can fundamentally impact our character qualities, ways of behaving, and valuable encounters. For instance, an individual with the Sun in Aries is not set in stone, courageous, and cutthroat. While an individual with the Sun in Pisces might be merciful, natural, and creative.


Sun Conjunct Mercury Transit Marriage


According to Marriage Prediction, this shows that this is the house of marriage and partnership, which shows that if Sun-Mercury is auspicious in this house then marital relations will be good, which will bless you with intelligence, charm, and logical thoughts.


Sun Conjunct Mercury Transit Soulmate


The couple will spend time sharing their hidden emotions. Past misunderstandings and disputes will be resolved during this transit. Both of you will be quite open in sharing your feelings and meaningful and open conversations will lead to a stronger understanding between you and your partner during this period.


During rapid direct motion (not near a station) Mercury makes a high (i.e. upward or outward) path where it moves toward the Sun away from Earth. These quick one-hit conjunctions from transit Mercury to the natal Sun occur annually and represent a relatively minor but valuable upgrade from the Higher Self to everyday consciousness. Sometimes, direct Mercury forms close conjunction (within a few degrees) with the natal Sun, while the transit also forms a conjunction with the Sun, only at a longer thirteen-year interval. These rare combinations represent major downloads from the Higher Self that may take years to integrate fully. Individual work on removing blockages to the ability to achieve higher inspiration before and after these rare high-energy transits will greatly facilitate integration. Get an online astrology consultation to know more about Sun Conjunct Mercury Transit.

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