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Sun and Mercury Conjunction in 8th House - Know its Effects

Sun and Mercury Conjunction in 8th House - Know its Effects

Sun is also known as the “Agni Dev”. It is the true source of life. It is the biggest celestial body known to us and has a high significance in Vedic astrology. In astrology, the planet sun has been beneficial for signs like Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius. The sun represents the soul, the Father, and authority. It is considered one of the luminaries in the universe. Sun gives you the ability to fight all the evils in your life. It is the ruler of all the planets.  Our astrology phone consultations help you understand all this better.

Mercury plays an important role in Vedic astrology. It bestows an individual with wealth and intelligence. It has been the source of positive thoughts in an individual’s mind. It brings happiness into an individual’s life by taking down different obstacles in his course of life. Mercury influences the 12 houses in the horoscope. Mercury by different planets gives different fruits. If Mercury is effective in an individual’s horoscope, then the communication skills of the native are efficient.

Sun and mercury in 8th house

The 8th house is known as the “Ayu Bhava” in Vedic astrology. It is seen as the house of sex, taboos, resurrection, and death. It is the gateway to the spirit world and is also associated with magic. If an individual is blessed with a powerful 8th house he is blessed with a long life and he is given the ability to overcome opposition and enemies. The 8th house signifies that we should believe in spirituality, yoga, and meditation if we want to overcome obstacles in our life. It also essentially transforms our insecurities into strengths.

Positive effects of sun and mercury conjunction in the 8th house

  • The individual may be intelligent and clever. He can be skilled too.

  • The personality of the individual can be attractive and he may possess a stander lifestyle. the individual may be well-mannered and has respectful behavior. The individual has good self-respect in society.

  • The individual can have good oratory skills, with such good oratory skills, an attractive personality, and a stander lifestyle he might be favored by a lot of people.

  • The individual can also be good at hidden tricks. He may be earning from hidden sources or through his efforts. They can also be well in the fields of archaeology and mysticism.

  • The individual can become a good philanthropist and can help people by giving financial aid.

Negative effects of sun and mercury conjunction in the 8th house

  • The individual might have an internal fear of his death on unusual days.

  • The individual can have a weak immune system and a weak physique. He may be suffering from injuries in the head or brain, skin problems, eyesight problems, or he might have lung diseases. He can also have neurological problems.

  • The individual can have problems in his family like a dispute with relatives. the individual may be living apart from his family and also carries the responsibility of the family. 

  • The individual can have an unstable financial life or an unstable financial condition because of financial loss.

  • The individual can have a tough time comprehending or understanding things. The individual might not perform well because of nervousness.


The sun and mercury conjunction in the eighth house gives a person great personality and social skills so a person should use this ability to have a great life. The individual can have a weak immune system and a bad physique; therefore, the individual should have health as his priority. the person should also believe in spirituality and practice yoga or meditation regularly. The person should also have a stable mental state and he should not let negative thoughts overpower him and not fear his death. The individual’s mind with the conjunction of sun and mercury is good at hidden tricks that can make him stand apart from society. Believing in spirituality is really necessary for the current materialistic society, as people have forgotten that no one apart from themselves can help them in the worst situation.

Ask one question to our astrologer to get the best potential solution and remedies for the issue. The best part for a person with this conjunction is to believe in things and not take astrology for granted.

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