Sun is the most visible and powerful planet as per astrology, no matter why it shadows or covers other planets ruling with Sun. It is a planet that is referred to as the King of all the planets as it represents father and authority. It also represents the social status and social life of a native. Sun also represents the power and power of expression, therefore the sun is the planet significant while predicting a native's position in the workplace. A person who has dominant sun often plays a leadership role in the workplace.
Jupiter is alluded to as "Brihaspati" in Vedic astrology. Jupiter or Guru strikes out the darkness of life and the evil powers from an individual’s life. Jupiter helps to guide an individual into the path of spirituality. Jupiter governs the philosophy and spiritual beliefs of an individual. Jupiter and Sun both are fiery and masculine in nature. Jupiter is also meant to bring fortune to an individual’s life. When Jupiter rules over an individual’s life, a native can expect a lot of good luck. Fulfillment and growth are also represented by the planet Jupiter. Therefore, Jupiter is also known as the planet of good luck.
Sun And Jupiter In 10th House
Sun And Jupiter conjunction of the planet Jupiter and the sun is one of the most auspicious in astrology. They both are similar in nature. They are masculine and fiery in nature. They both together fuel an individual’s bravery and luck in life. Both are said to be friends. The conjunction offers an individual wealth and wellness. You can get an astrology phone consultation for more information.
Positive effects Sun And Jupiter Conjunction In 10th House
The individual may be involved in jobs that require a high level of knowledge like a teacher, judge, adviser, and medical professional.
Negative effects of Sun And Jupiter Conjunction In 10th House
The individual has been seen to have all the benefits of the conjunction. The individual is blessed with a wealthy and luxurious life. The individual is blessed with a lot of knowledge, he should use it wisely so that it would be helpful for him and society too. The individual has power and can take up politics as a career. Taking politics as a career and also being able to do social and welfare work will make him respectful in society and people of society will shower him with blessings. After so many good things they need to take care to remain humble and down to earth in whatever he does and never develop a sense of superiority in front of their friends. The best part for a person with this conjunction is to believe in things and not take astrology for granted.
The native with this conjunction should try his best to present himself as friendly and cooperative and ask one question for particular insights.