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Saturn Opposite Jupiter - Know its Effects

Saturn Opposite Jupiter - Know its Effects

When Saturn is opposite your natal Jupiter, you feel that your opportunities to grow and expand are limited. You may have financial problems which slow down your progress. This is without taking into account the possible difficulties that may arise later.

Saturn opposite Jupiter, you should check your outlook from recent days to whether you have acted carelessly or without restraint. At this time, you cannot cope with poorly planned projects or those that you are not well prepared to do.

Your freedom of action and projection in the future must now be viewed from a realistic perspective. This causes you great restlessness and impatience as you expect things to work out without any problems, and without taking into account possible mistakes or difficulties.

Unchecked growth may encounter resistance. Circumstances can make it difficult to move forward, and you may have to make adjustments in order to continue your progress, although you may not like to take the necessary steps. Events are likely to happen that make you aware that you have gone too far or perhaps not far enough. Sometimes a reality check is more than prudent. Wherever greed plays a role in your life, it can be exposed as disproportionate. It is possible that what once seemed certain may now seem less certain.


Saturn Opposite Jupiter Natal┬а

You have no problem in curbing your enthusiasm. But you can't always decide whether you should do it or not. You certainly don't like it when others tell you so. You often have many calls for courage and opportunity. But experience has probably taught you that you can't and shouldn't answer them all.

It is when others try to tell you what is good for you that you are the highest and the fastest. It all depends more on what you see as good than anything else. Freedom, and the ability to live life to the fullest, is not an unfettered expression of what you want and when you want to do it. That's propaganda.

It is the ability to keep the vows and goals you have made for yourself. Of course, you may face obstacles in them. But your enthusiasm and determination are completely under your control. Stand firm for your independence, but don't get distracted fighting for it.


Saturn Opposite Jupiter Synastry┬а

It is only when you lose your sense of proportion that this period can bring such strong measures. However, this is a time to set a boundary and take responsibility for re-balancing whatever is off-center, especially whatever has gotten out of control. One purpose of this cycle is to illustrate that the process of evolution requires regular intervals of expansion and contraction in order to unfold properly.

Since change can be seen as a constant in life, no state of progress (or decline) can last forever without modification. Corrective action may be needed here to keep the forces of expansion strong in your life and ready for the next surge.┬а
From this perspective, current lag is a natural phenomenon that allows you to stop or slow down and re-evaluate the progress you've made so far.

Remedial measures may be obvious, and you can take your time setting them up. If you refuse to see the wisdom of optionality, you may oppose the obstacles that stand in your way and are there to ensure that your movement comes to an end, whether you agree or not. , this can become a frustrating time as you are paddling against the current.


Saturn Opposite Jupiter Transit┬а

It may seem as if someone is trying to cut the flower of your growth in its prime. Most likely, this is a significant status figure, such as a boss or parent. But a spouse or a close friend can also play this role. Regardless, you won't feel excited about making quick cuts whenever you make progress in a direction or have good ideas that you think are good. Yet, it is equally important to make sure that you are not letting your enthusiasm and excitement overpower sound logic.

If that's the case, think of the resistance you're facing as doing you a favor. They may have saved you an hour or more of wasted labor. But if you're sure you have solid grounds for what you want to do and say, persevere carefully, even cautiously. Don't give up. Life just wants to make sure that what you are doing is the best that you can do and become.


You have to be well prepared to find a solution, and if you are not, you may feel your lack of prevention and preparation. Jupiter transit opposite Saturn helps you to mature spiritually and adopt defined philosophical views and attitudes to face mistakes and failures. If you want to know more about Saturn Opposite Jupiter, then talk to astrologers online.

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