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Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If the sight of the Sun is on Saturn, then the person is moneyless and lives dependent on others. If the sight of Mars is on Saturn, then the person is more talkative and laughs at the talk. If the aspect of Mercury is on Saturn, then the person is of bad nature and keeps the company of bad people. If the aspect of Jupiter is on Saturn, then the person is honest, helps sick people, and holds a high position in the government or private sector. If the sight of Venus is on Saturn, then the person is in a business of jewelry related to gold and silver, a hard worker, and a drug addict.

Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra Pada 1

In this┬аphase, the┬аperson in┬аRohini Nakshatra┬аis a believer of religion, lives in the wrong company, spends more money at a young age but remains troubled for 40 to 45 years, has a calm nature, and spends wasteful or improper. The person suffers from tooth decay and tuberculosis.

Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is learned, attractive, soft-spoken, and short-haired. Could be a stomach doctor. The person earns money through animals.

Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person who has the same knowledge as the elders in childhood, is full of wealth, because of discovering new things, is revered in society, has good thoughts, and there is a problem with teeth.

Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person is fond, of earning money through animals, is a leader in society, and a leader of a high position in politics. The person becomes a good minister by the age of 45 to 50 years. After 60 years, the person suffers from diseases in life, due to which the remaining life has to be spent in trouble.


Due to the presence of Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra, the person is religious but a gambler, a waster of wealth in his youth, but after 45 years he becomes stable, calm, and less wastage. It is tuberculosis. Teeth fall out. The person is educated, seductive, soft-spoken, and bald. Abdominal surgery can be done. There is income from cattle. The person is a student since childhood, a literary scholar and linguist of a high order, wealthier, is revered due to investigation, eloquent, and dental patient. The person is a fashionable dresser, and earner from Chopyo, in politics due to his strong economic status. attains a high position, and becomes a minister at the age of 50. The last part of life is sad due to diseases. If you want to know about the effect of Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra, then go to an astrology phone consultation. Astrology will give you the correct information about the constellation and the transit of the planet.

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