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Relationship Between Nakshatra And Body Parts

Relationship Between Nakshatra And Body Parts

Nakshatras are also classified on the basis of the body in Vedic astrology. All the Nakshatras represent one or the other part of the body and the person also gets problems related to these parts. The Nakshatra which is afflicted in the birth chart is likely to cause disease related to the person or when any Nakshatra is also going in the afflicted state in transit, then there is also a possibility of problems related to it. Today, through this article, you will be told about the constellation and its related body parts.


Ashwini Nakshatra


The ruling planet of Ashwini Nakshatra is Ketu. It is the first nakshatra and hence it represents the head. All the things related to the brain are seen from Ashwini Nakshatra. When this Nakshatra is afflicted, the person has to face the diseases related to them.


Bharani Nakshatra


Bharani Nakshatra is the second constellation and Venus comes under its jurisdiction, the area of ​​the brain, the inner part of the head, and the eyes. When this nakshatra is afflicted in the birth chart or transit, problems related to these organs have to be faced.


Krittika Nakshatra


This is the third constellation and the Sun is its lord. Under this nakshatra, the head, eyes, brain, face, neck, larynx, tonsils, and lower jaw come. If you are afflicted by Kirttika Nakshatra, you are likely to suffer from diseases related to it.


Rohini Nakshatra


This is the fourth nakshatra and its lord is the Moon. The face, mouth, tongue, tonsils, neck, palate, cervical, vertebrae, and cerebellum come under the jurisdiction of this constellation. When Rohini Nakshatra or this Nakshatra of transit is afflicted at the time of birth, then the person experiences pain in these organs.


Mrigashira Nakshatra


This nakshatra is the fifth nakshatra and its ruling planet is Mars. The chin, cheeks, larynx, palate, blood vessels, tonsils, and cervical nerves come in the first and second phases of Mrigashira nakshatra. In the third and fourth stages, the throat comes and the sound of the throat comes. Arms and shoulders come, ears come. Upper ribs come. When this nakshatra is afflicted, one has to face problems related to these organs.


Ardra Nakshatra


This is the constellation coming in sixth place and its ruling planet is Rahu. Throat comes, arms and shoulders come in the right of this constellation. If Ardra nakshatra is afflicted, there is a possibility of disease related to these organs.


Punarvasu Nakshatra


It is the seventh constellation and its ruling planet is Jupiter. Ear, throat, and shoulder bones come in the right of the first, second and third parts of this constellation. In the fourth phase of Punarvasu Nakshatra, the lungs, respiratory system, chest, abdomen, mid-abdomen, pancreas, liver, and thorax come. When this nakshatra is afflicted, then there is a possibility of disease in the parts related to this nakshatra.


Pushya Nakshatra


It is the eighth nakshatra of the cycle and its lord is Saturn. Lungs, stomachs, and ribs come under this nakshatra. If Pushya nakshatra is afflicted, then there is a pain in the part of the body related to it.


Ashlesha Nakshatra


This is the ninth constellation and its lord is Mercury. Lungs, esophagus, liver, the central part of the stomach, and pancreas come under this nakshatra. If Ashlesha Nakshatra is afflicted then the person has problems related to these organs.


Magha Nakshatra


It is the tenth nakshatra of the cycle and its ruling planet is Ketu. The back, heart, spinal cord, spleen, aorta, and dorsal parts of the spine come under this constellation. Whenever Magha Nakshatra is afflicted then the person will have to go through health-related problems.


Purva Phalguni Nakshatra


It is the eleventh nakshatra and its ruling planet is Venus. The spine and heart come under this nakshatra and whenever this nakshatra is afflicted then there may be some physical problem related to these two.


Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra


It is the twelfth constellation and its lord is the Sun. The spine comes in the first phase of this nakshatra. In the second, third, and fourth stages, the intestines come, the intestines come and the lower part comes. If Uttara Phalguni nakshatra is afflicted in the birth chart, one may have to face health problems.


Hasta Nakshatra


This is the thirteenth constellation and its lord is the Moon. Intestines, intestines, endocrine glands, and enzymes come under its authority. If the person is afflicted by Hasta Nakshatra, there is a possibility of suffering in these organs.


Chitra Nakshatra


It is the fourteenth nakshatra of the cycle and its lord is Mars. In the first and second phases of this nakshatra comes the lower part of the abdomen, in the third and fourth phases the kidneys, lumbar region, hernia, lower part of the spine, movement of nerves, etc. When Chitra Nakshatra is afflicted, there is a pain in these organs.


Swati Nakshatra


It is the fifteenth nakshatra of the cycle and its ruling planet is Rahu. The skin, gall bladder, kidneys, and ureters come under the jurisdiction of Swati nakshatra. If the person is afflicted by this Nakshatra, there is a possibility of a disease related to these organs.


Vishakha Nakshatra 


ruled by Jupiter. In the first, second, and third phase of Vishakha Nakshatra, the lower part of the stomach, the organs around the gall bladder, kidney, pancreas related gland comes. In the fourth stage comes the bladder, urethra, anus, genitals, and prostate gland.


Anuradha Nakshatra


It is the seventeenth nakshatra of the cycle and Saturn is its lord. The bladder, rectum, genitals, bones near the genitals, nasal bones, etc. all come under this nakshatra. When Anuradha Nakshatra is afflicted, one has to go through the problems related to these organs.


Jyeshtha Nakshatra


It is the eighteenth nakshatra of the cycle and is ruled by Mercury. The anus, genital organs, colon, ovaries, and womb come under Jyeshtha Nakshatra. If the person is afflicted by this Nakshatra, there is a possibility of a person suffering from diseases related to these organs.


Moola Nakshatra


It is the nineteenth nakshatra of the cycle and its ruling planet is Mercury. Under this nakshatra, the hips, thighs, arthritic nerves, femoral organs, pelvis, etc. come. Diseases related to these organs can occur if Moola Nakshatra is afflicted.


Purvashadha Nakshatra


It is the twentieth nakshatra of the cycle and its ruling planet is Venus. Under this, the hips, thighs, nerves, pelvic blood glands, sacral region of the spine, etc. If Purvashadha nakshatra is afflicted, there is a possibility of getting diseases related to these organs.


Uttarasadha Nakshatra


It is the twenty-first constellation and its ruling planet is the Sun. In the first phase of this nakshatra, thighs come, and femoral blood vessels come. Knees and skin come in the second, third, and fourth phases of Uttarasadha nakshatra. Diseases related to these organs may have to be faced if this Nakshatra is afflicted.


Shravana Nakshatra


It is the twenty-two nakshatra of the wheel and the Moon is its lord. Knees, lymphatic vessels, and skin come under this constellation. If Shravana nakshatra is afflicted, there is a possibility of diseases related to these organs.


Dhanishtha Nakshatra


It is the twenty-third nakshatra of the wheel and Mars is its lord. In the first and second phases of this nakshatra comes the bone above the knee which looks like a cap. In the third and fourth stages, the part of the ankle, ankle, and between the knees comes. When Dhanishtha nakshatra is afflicted, problems are experienced in these organs.


Shatbhisha Nakshatra


It is the twenty-fourth nakshatra of the cycle and its lord is Rahu. The part between the knees and ankles, the muscles of the foot tubes come under this nakshatra. When Shatbhisha Nakshatra is afflicted then there is a possibility of diseases related to these organs.


Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra


It is the twenty-fifth constellation of the wheel and Jupiter is its lord. Ankles come in the first, second, and third phases of this Nakshatra. In the fourth stage, the toes and toes come. Whenever Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is afflicted then problems related to these organs will have to be faced.


Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra


It is the twenty-sixth nakshatra of the cycle and Saturn is its lord. The toes of the feet come under this constellation. If Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is afflicted in the birth chart or in transit, the person may have to go through problems related to claws.


Revati Nakshatra


It is the twenty-seventh and last nakshatra of the cycle and its ruling planet is Mercury. Paws and toes come in the right of this constellation. If Revati nakshatra is afflicted, there may be a disease related to these organs.


All Nakshatras are related to different planets and cause different diseases. If you want to know about the diseases caused by Nakshatras, then talk to astrology.

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