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Rahu in Leo Ascendant - Astrological Guide

Rahu in Leo Ascendant - Astrological Guide

Leo's ascendant people are full of courage. The native will be a fearless and mighty person. Even in adverse circumstances, the native is not one to panic easily. Whatever work is given to the person, he conducts it very beautifully and becomes successful.


Rahu in all 12 Houses for Leo Ascendant


Rahu in 1st House Leo Ascendant

The person having Rahu in the first house of Leo Ascendant is not attractive in appearance. For Leo Ascendant, the person having Rahu in the first house has some deficiency and some weakness in his body. Native has problems in married life, partnership, and daily work and income. Misunderstanding with children and father. The native does not believe in religion. The native tries to maintain their honor and fame in society.

Rahu in 2nd House Leo Ascendant

The native with Rahu in the second house of Leo Ascendant loses family wealth and experiences some weakness in the family. The native with Rahu in the 2nd house for Leo Ascendant is highly concerned about losses. He works hard to acquire wealth and maintain the status of the family. The person with Rahu in the second house for Leo Ascendant is intelligent, courageous, and shrewd but fearful of enemies.

Rahu in 3rd House Leo Ascendant

The person with Rahu in the third house for Leo Ascendant is courageous, shrewd, and careful. The person does not lose his patience with Rahu in the third house for Leo Ascendant. The native with Rahu in the 3rd house for Leo Ascendant is a good diplomat. The natives work hard for success. The native experiences sorrow with his siblings. The native adopts the wrong methods to become successful in society.

Rahu in 4th House Leo Ascendant

Rahu in the fourth house of Leo Ascendant, the native gets obstacles in peace and happiness from the side of the mother. With Rahu in the fourth house for Leo Ascendant, the native does not have good relations with his mother. The native has to face the loss of land and residential property. The family life of the native remains disturbed. The native suffers in family life. Rahu in the fourth house for Leo Ascendant remains unhappy with their father.

Rahu in 5th House Leo Ascendant

The native with Rahu in the fifth house of Leo Ascendant is intelligent and gets a good education, but the native is seen to be worried and unhappy about the children. The person is inauspicious and mentally worried. The native is physically weak and feels tired soon. They have difficulty expressing their thoughts properly.

Rahu in 6th House Leo Ascendant

The person with Rahu in the sixth house of Leo Ascendant is brave and courageous. The native with Rahu in the sixth house for Leo Ascendant greatly overpowers the enemies and cleverly conquers all kinds of difficulties and troubles. The native with Rahu in the 6th house for Leo Ascendant is selfish, rude, and irreligious but always alert.

Rahu in 7th House Leo Ascendant

The native with Rahu in the 7th house of Leo ascendant has some problems with his wife. The native with Rahu in the 7th house of Leo ascendant works hard in the office and tries to make up for the loss of business. The native has to face many problems in the family. The person is lazy but selfish. They use unfair means for profit.

Rahu in 8th House Leo Ascendant

The native with Rahu in the eighth house of Leo Ascendant has some stomach problems and is always worried about the daily routine. With Rahu in the eighth house for Leo Ascendant, the native feels impatient. The family life of the native remains very unhappy.

Rahu in 9th House Leo Ascendant

The native with Rahu in the ninth house of Leo Ascendant feels anxious and nervous. The person does not believe in God. The person with Rahu in the ninth house of Leo ascendant is an atheist. Native's relationship with his father, siblings, and even children may be strained. The native with Rahu in the ninth house for Leo Ascendant loses his fame in society.

Rahu in 10th House Leo Ascendant

The native with Rahu in the 10th house of Leo Ascendant remains unhappy with their father. The native works hard and uses many methods to progress and become successful in the business profession. The native faces hurdles regarding respect in the government and society. The native with Rahu in the 10th house of Leo Ascendant puts in their best efforts to enhance their position.

Rahu in 11th House Leo Ascendant

The native with Rahu in the 11th house of Leo Ascendant has to face obstacles and difficulties in income. The person tries, again and again, to get success and gets more benefits than necessary. If Mercury is in a good position and strong then Rahu here will give a lot of benefits from various sources. The native never lose their patience and works hard to get success. The native gets honor and respect.

Rahu in 12th House Leo Ascendant

The native with Rahu in the twelfth house for Leo Ascendant spends heavily and loses a lot of money. The native has to face many difficulties. The native may have mental stress and depression at times. The native is influential and is later successful in fulfilling their objective and attaining family happiness.


Rahu in Leo's ascendant gives success to the native after hard work. Talk to astrologers to know about the measures to avoid the negative effects of Rahu in Leo Ascendant.

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