Effects of Planets in Leo Ascendant
The people of Leo ascendant are the owners of dynamic and attractive personalities. They are ambitious, courageous, strong-willed, positive, independent, and full of self-confidence. However, they sometimes get aggressive when they are upset about something. The people of Leo ascendant are spontaneous, happy, intelligent, and open-minded. They follow orthodox principles in religion but are also sensitive to the teachings of others.
Effect of Sun in Leo Ascendant
Being the Ascendant, Sun God is the most yoga Karak planet in this Ascendant Kundli. In the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh house, the Sun God gives auspicious results according to his ability in his Dasha and Antar Dasha.
Sun God becomes inauspicious in the third (low), sixth, eighth and twelfth house. Their inauspiciousness is reduced by donating and reciting them. The Sun God's strength is increased by wearing ruby, the gemstone of the Sun in auspicious expressions.
Effect of Mercury in Leo Ascendant
Lord Mercury is the owner of the second and eleventh house in this ascendant. Due to the close friend of the Sun, Lord Mercury is considered a planet by doing yoga in this ascendant horoscope. Lord Mercury in the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh house gives auspicious results in its Antar Dasha. Mercury in the third, sixth, eighth, and twelfth house gives inauspicious results. The inauspicious effects of the planet Mercury are reduced by donating them.
Effect of Venus in Leo Ascendant
In this Ascendant Kundli, Venus is the lord of the third and tenth houses. Due to the opposition of the Sun God, he is considered to be an equal planet in the horoscope. In the first, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh houses, Venus gives auspicious results according to its capability in its Dasha and Antardasha. Venus in the second (low), third, sixth, eighth, and twelfth house becomes inauspicious. The inauspiciousness of the deity of Venus is reduced by donating and reciting.
Effect of Mars in Leo Ascendant
Lord Mars is the lord of two good houses in the fourth and ninth in this ascendant horoscope. Due to being a very dear friend of Lagnesh Sun, Mars is considered to be the yogic planet of this horoscope. Lord Mars in the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh house gives auspicious results according to his ability in his Dasha and Antardasha.
Mars lying in the third, sixth, eighth, and twelfth house becomes inauspicious. Their inauspiciousness is removed by reciting charity. Their strength is increased by wearing coral, the gem of Mars located in any house in the astral state.
Effect of Jupiter in Leo Ascendant
Jupiter is the lord of the fifth and eighth house in this ascendant. Being a friend of the Sun God, Jupiter is considered to be a yogic planet. In the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh houses, Jupiter gives auspicious results according to its ability in its Dasha and Antardasha. In the third, sixth, eighth, and twelfth house, Jupiter in the rising state becomes an antidote and gives inauspicious results. They are strengthened by wearing Pukhraj, the gemstone of Jupiter in the setting stage.
Effect of Saturn in Leo Ascendant
Shani Dev is the lord of the 6th and 7th house in this ascendant. Being the enemy of the Sun, Lord Shani is considered to be the most lethal planet in the horoscope. Shani Dev will give inauspicious results in all the houses of the horoscope, so his inauspiciousness is removed by reciting and donating their Dasha and Antardasha. In the sixth, eighth, and twelfth house, Shani Dev has the ability to give auspicious results by coming in opposite Raja Yoga, but it is very necessary to sacrifice to the Sun God. Shani Dev's gemstone is not worn in this ascendant horoscope as it is Rogesh and Marakesh.
Effect of Moon in Leo Ascendant
The Moon god is the owner of the twelfth house in this Lagna Kundli, hence the moon god is considered to be the supreme planet in this horoscope. In any house of the horoscope, Moon God gives inauspicious results according to his ability in his Dasha and Antardasha.
Moon deity lying in the sixth, eighth and twelfth house has the ability to give auspicious results by coming in opposite Rajayoga, but it is mandatory for the Sun God to be sacrificed and auspicious. Pearl Moon gemstone is never worn in this ascendant horoscope. By donating and reciting the moon, its inauspicious effect is reduced.
Effect of Rahu in Leo Ascendant
Rahu being the lord of the second house represents the subjects of the native's family, eyes (right), nose, throat, ears, vocals, diamonds, pearls, gem jewelry, beauty, singing, speech, family, etc. Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Rahu in the horoscope or Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above-mentioned subjects, while being under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Planet Ketu in Leo Ascendant
Ketu being the lord of the eighth house, the person's disease, life, age, cause of death, mental anxiety, sea travel, atheist thought stream, in-laws, misfortune, poverty, laziness, hidden place, prison journey, hospital, chirped operation, ghosts, magic Sorcery is representative of subjects like the horrific and painful miseries of life. Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Ketu in the horoscope or Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
All nine planets have different effects on Leo's ascendant. If you want to know more about the effect of planets in Leo ascendant, then you can talk to Astrologer. The astrologer will tell you the exact facts.