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Moon Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant - Know its Effect

Moon Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant - Know its Effect

Due to the Aquarius ascendant being a stable and air-dominated sign, such people are communicative, forthright, and serve selflessly. They are skilled in making new friends and making lasting relationships with them. They are good listeners and take exalted care of their friends. Due to having grateful nature, he does not forget the favor done by a friend or relative, nor is he able to forget someone's deceitful behavior throughout his life. Such natives don't hesitate to take revenge for any bad behavior. The native of Aquarius ascendant also has special research and managerial abilities.

The moon can be malefic during the administration period of 10 years as it rules the sixth house. As we know that the sixth house represents diseases, debts, and competitors and the lord of the sixth house can bring negative outcomes during the Mahadasha of Moon. It can be highly malefic when aspected and afflicted by malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Saturn, and Sun.

You can heave a sigh of relief if the planet Moon is situated in auspicious houses like the Lagna, 9th, and 10th houses. An exalted Moon in Taurus can also give auspicious results. During the phase of the Moon in bright houses, the native may have good health, social status, monetary gains, knowledge, etc.

Result of Moon Mahadasha for Aquarius┬аAscendant┬а

In the horoscope of Kumbh Lagna, the lord of the mind, Moon is the lord of the sixth house. It is the representative of the person's disease, debt, enemy, insult, worry, doubt, pain, maternal, untrue speech, yoga practice, zamindari, merchant, moneylender, advocacy, addiction, knowledge, any good bad addiction, etc. Being under the strong and auspicious influence of the Moon in the native's Janam Kundali or its Dashakala, the native gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being under weak and inauspicious influence gives inauspicious results.

Moon is the lord of the sixth house for Aquarius ascendant. The sixth house represents disease, debt, and enemies, negative results can be seen more during Mahadasha of Moon, the lord of the sixth house. These results are worse if they are conjoined and afflicted by malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Saturn, and Sun. If Moon is situated in the ascendant, ninth, or tenth house, then something positive can happen. An exalted Moon in Taurus can also give auspicious results.

Positive Effects of Moon Mahadasha for Aquarius┬аAscendant

By increasing the hard work of the native, his mental peace will be completely disturbed. Jatak's younger brother and sister will never make it. Here the moon will keep increasing the hard work of the native, for which the native will never get the proper result in the condition of the full moon. There will be completely negative results related to the ninth house as well. Will always keep estrangement from your father. Even after traveling abroad, the person will return home after spending unnecessarily. The person will not even be a follower of religion.

He gets all the work done with his voice. Due to the auspicious location of the moon here, the work of the native gets accelerated. There is no wasteful expenditure. There is family support, there is no loss of money. For Aquarius natives, there is a possibility of staying away from the house. The profit of money remains. It is auspicious for the moon to be weak in its strength. There is a lot of progress in professional life. There is happiness in the mind of the person in the Mahadasha of the Moon. If the lord of the ascendant is afflicted, then opposite Raja Yoga is formed, in such a situation, auspiciousness should be known in the fruits of the moon.

Negative Effects of Moon Mahadasha for Aquarius┬аAscendant

If the Moon is established in the Aquarius Ascendant, then the person in the Mahadasha of the Moon is attractive to look at, fickle-minded and ill-tempered. Weakness in decision-making. The spouse is attractive and beautiful, Moon gives inauspiciousness for hitched life, and the soundness of the spouse remains bad. There is a possibility of loss due to partnership work. There is a decrease in daily income. Estimate the decrease or increase in the fruits according to the strength of the moon in the Mahadasha of the Moon. Obstacles do not take the name of going away, in the Mahadasha of the Moon, there are obstacles in every work. A family member may remain ill.

Lord of the Moon, being the Lord of the sixth house in this ascendant, is Rogesh. That is why it is considered to be the most deadly planet in the horoscope. The Dasha of the Moon, if it falls in any house of the Kundli, is troublesome for the native. If Chandra Dev is placed in the 6th, 8th, and 12th house, then he is also capable of giving auspicious results by coming in opposite Raja Yoga, but for this, it is very necessary that the lord of the ascendant, Shani Dev, should be auspicious.


There is always some or other tension. The mind remains troubled. The fear of accidents remains. Wasteful expenditure remains in the Mahadasha of Moon. There is defeat in the competition. Even if the native works abroad, there is a possibility of the expenditure being more than the income. If the lord of the ascendant is afflicted, then opposite Raja Yoga is formed, in such a situation, auspiciousness should be known in the fruits of the moon.


Must see the position of the moon in your horoscope. Here the relation of the Moon with its own house will be formed between the sixth and the eighth house. The person never has the same wealth. Sometimes the person will get the benefit of a lot of money, and on the contrary, sometimes the person may not get money at all. There will be no uniformity in the matter of money and profit. In this, the person will continue to increase or decrease. If the moon is not afflicted, then the person will definitely get the happiness of land, building, and vehicle and the person will be lucky in all the benefits. Through Astrology Phone Consultation, you can know in detail about the effect of the Moon in Aquarius ascendant.

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