Effects of Planets in Aquarius Ascendant
The people of Aquarius ascendant are often seen as thin and tall. Their faces can be large, necks, back, waist, and their legs can be long. Their hair is long and thick, the hairstyle is simple. His face is beautiful, which gives an impression of seriousness.
Their eyes are bright and it seems as if they are engaged in some strange search. From his whole personality, it seems that he has no pretense of any kind. You are of Vata nature and often there is a fear of headache, stomachache, indigestion, and other stomach ailments.
Effect of Moon in Aquarius Ascendant
Moon is the lord of the sixth house in the Kundali of Aquarius ascendant. It is representative of the native's diseases, debts, enemies, humiliation, worry, doubt, pain, maternal, false speech, yoga practice, zamindari merchant behavior, moneylender, advocacy, addiction, knowledge, any good and bad addiction, etc.
Due to the strong and benefic influence of the Moon in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being Moon weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Sun Planet in Aquarius Ascendant
The Sun that illuminates the whole world, being the lord of the seventh house, represents the subjects of Lakshmi, woman, sex, death, theft, quarrel, disturbance, nuisance, genital, business, fire, etc.
Due to the strong and benefic influence of the Sun in the horoscope of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being Sun weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Mars in Aquarius Ascendant
Mars is the lord of the third and tenth houses in Aquarius ascendant. Being the third house, it is representative of the subjects like a servant, siblings, consumption of inedible substances, anger, delusion, writing, computer, accounts, mobile, effort, courage, bravery, cough, exercise, slavery, etc., while being the tenth lord it represents It is representative of the subjects of the person's state, honor, prestige, deeds, father, sovereignty, business, authority, havan, rituals, opulence enjoyment, fame, leadership, foreign travel, paternal property, etc.
Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Mars in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas mars under weak and inauspicious effects give inauspicious results.
Effect of Venus in Aquarius Ascendant
Venus is the lord of the fourth and ninth house in the Aquarius ascendant. Being the fourth lord, it is the mother of the person, land, building, vehicle, quadrupole, friend, partnership, peace, water, public, permanent property, kindness, benevolence, deceit, deceit, conscience, consumption of aquatic substances, accumulated wealth, falsehood It is the cause of allegation, rumors, love, love affair, love marriage, etc. And being the ninth lord represents religion, virtue, fortune, guru, brahmin, deity, pilgrimage, devotion, mental attitude, fortune, modesty, tenacity, migration, father's happiness, pilgrimage, charity, etc.
Venus, being the lord of a center and a triangle in Aquarius ascendant, becomes a very auspicious and Raj Yogakaraka planet. Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Venus in the Kundali of the person or his Dasha period, the person gets very auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas being under weak and inauspicious effects gives more inauspicious results with less auspicious results.
Effect of Mercury in Aquarius Ascendant
Mercury being the owner of the fifth house, the person's intellect, soul, memory power, ability to acquire education, policy, self-confidence, management system, devotion to god, patriotism, renunciation of job, ways to get money, effortless wealth, gambling, lottery It is representative of subjects such as speculation, gastritis, son progeny, worship by the mantra, fasting, fame of the hand, self-respect, ego, etc.
Due to the strong and benefic influence of Mercury in the Kundali of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being Mercury weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Jupiter in Aquarius Ascendant
Jupiter being the lord of the eleventh house represents the person's greed, profit, selfishness, slavery, servitude, the inferiority of children, daughter progeny, tau, uncle, brother, elder brother and sister, corruption, bribery, dishonesty, etc.
Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Jupiter in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while Jupiter's weak and inauspicious effects give inauspicious results.
Effect of Saturn in Aquarius Ascendant
Saturn is the lord of the first and twelfth houses. Being the Ascendant, it is representative of the person's form, sign, caste, body, age, happiness, sorrow, conscience, mind, nature, shape, complete personality, etc. It is representative of subjects like charity, expenditure, punishment, unconsciousness, dog, fish, salvation, foreign travel, enjoyment, opulence, lustful marriage, vain travel, etc.
Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Saturn in the birth chart of the person or his Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas Saturn under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Rahu in Aquarius Ascendant
Rahu, being the lord of the eighth house, is the eighth lord here, due to which he suffers from an illness, life, age, cause of death, mental anxiety, sea travel, atheist thought stream, in-laws, misfortune, poverty, laziness, secret place, jail journey, hospital, Representation of subjects such as chirp operations, ghosts, witchcraft, the horrific sorrows of life, etc.
Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Rahu in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas Rahu under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Planet Ketu in Aquarius Ascendant
Ketu, being the lord of the second house, represents the subjects of the native's family, eyes (right), nose, throat, ears, vocals, diamonds, pearls, gem jewelry, beauty, singing, speech, family, etc. Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Ketu in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, whereas Ketu under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
The planets exert auspicious and inauspicious effects in the Aquarius ascendant. Talk to Astrologer to know which gemstone should be worn to avoid the bad effects of planets in the Aquarius ascendant.