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Moon and Sun Conjunction - Chandra Surya Yuti

Moon and Sun Conjunction - Chandra Surya Yuti

The moon and Sun are seen as essential for life on Earth too and these two planets are also seen as most huge in astrology. Sun planet is known as the king and Moon planet is known as the queen. Sun has been viewed as the variable of father, legislative issues, administration capacity, soul, government work or work, and so forth. Then again, the Moon is viewed as the element of the mother, mind, and so forth. The great place of these two planets in the horoscope assuages the local from numerous issues since one is the element of the spirit and the other is of the brain. To make progress, having harmony between the spirit and the mind is vital. That is, according to the perspective of astrology, both the Sun and the Moon need to be propitious in your horoscope.

Chandra Surya Yuti┬а

The Chandra Surya Yuti is an important cosmic alignment that influences a person's personality, self-expression, and overall life path. The Chandra Surya Yuti creates a powerful synergy between the emotional and egoistic aspects of the individual. The Moon represents emotions, instincts and the subconscious and the Sun symbolizes the conscious self, life force, and personality.

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 1st House of the Kundali

The combination of the Moon and Sun in the first house can cause some mental pain to the person. The presence of the Sun and Moon in this house can make the person attractive, but at the same time, fickleness will remain in his mind. With this conjunction in the first house, there is a natural charm on the person's face and the person is also attractive. Such people are liked by the people around them. They usually prefer professions like engineering as they have the ability to do well in this field. These people are very accomplished and successful in their professional lives.

In private, such people can be fickle and selfish. Impatient by nature such people have to deal with negative thoughts and may move on from their relationship with their parents. Because the Sun is the father and the Moon is the mother. Read more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 1st House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 2nd House of the Kundali

Due to the combination of the Moon and Sun in the second house, there can be a weakness on the economic side. Both the Sun and the Moon have strong authoritative potential. Sun is the king and Moon is the queen. Usually, such people may be a CEO, CFOs, or government officials and aspire to fame.

Such people can maintain good relations with family unless Mars or Saturn affects this position. Otherwise, there will be disputes with parents regarding family money. Such people are romantic. Such people are very good at dealing with property-related matters.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 2nd House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 3rd House of the Kundali

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 3rd House gives mixed results, the person will have courage but when he is reminded of his strength then only he will do any work. Such people feel power and energy to achieve things, although the Moon should be in a good position. If there is a weak Moon along with the influence of Saturn, they may become lethargic and find it difficult to get things done. An afflicted Moon wards off conflict while a strong Moon gives courage. Such people are generally, selfish.

The third house in astrology represents courage, siblings, communication, sports, social media, and sleight of hand. We cannot survive without the third house and it is very important. When the Sun and Moon are sitting in the 3rd house, the mind and soul are strongly attached to the 3rd house. Such people can make a name in the field of writing, and literature and want to display their skills.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 3rd House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 4th House of the Kundali

The combination of these planets in the fourth house gives strength to the Moon because the Moon is strong in this house. On the other hand, Sun is not very powerful in this house. That's why this conjunction in this house gives mixed results. Such people like to live among their loved ones and they get the support of their mother.

Moon rules the fourth house. The moon is stronger than the Sun in the fourth house. Sun loses direction and power in this house. Mind and soul are together in the fourth house, so these people prefer to stay at home. They love their personal space. They love and strive to help develop their homeland. Such people become very powerful.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 4th House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 5th House of the Kundali

Having a Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 5th house can make a person emotionally weak. Also, his siblings have to face challenges in life. Professionally, such people are inclined towards subjects like environment, political science, and medicine. They always try to get things from others. They are always worried about their elder siblings and their actions. The main focus of such people's lives is their children.

The fifth house is the house of children, speculation, education, and wisdom. It shows the kind of deeds done in the past. The moon represents our past life and the Sun represents our soul. A person's soul yearns for children when the Sun and Moon are together in the fifth house. Due to the combination of the Sun and Moon in this house, elder siblings may have to face a lot of problems. Such people are easy.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 5th House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 6th House of the Kundali

Because of the Combination of the Sun and Moon in the 6th house, the individual's psyche is upset. The 6th house addresses hindrances, foes, well-being diseases, and passings. It's not the most pleasant house to deal with. Natives of this house are constantly worrying about things that may or may not happen. These people like to work for social welfare like NGOs. They prefer to do administrative work, as it helps in reducing their stress and anxiety. They are interested in knowing about health and nutrition.

Due to the presence of this combination in the sixth house, the person remains surrounded by worries. Such people may also have problems regarding health. If Mars is not in the third house in this conjunction, the person will generally lead a healthy life. However, there can be a strained relationship with the mother.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 6th House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 7th House of the Kundali

With Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 7th House one has to deal with many ups and downs in their marriage. If the Moon is weak, the person is usually very selfish in marriage. The person searches for emotional nourishment. A Strong Moon helps in resolving conflicts in marriage.

This alliance in the seventh house can give challenges in married life. Such people need to avoid doing any work in partnership. In business, having this conjunction one should work alone instead of working in partnership. There can be many disagreements in business.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 7th House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 8th House of the Kundali

The eighth house represents age, insurance, inheritance, wealth desire, hidden wealth, mysticism, and hidden knowledge. This position in the eighth house causes a person to become very fearful about their finances and money тАУ such people may accumulate black money. Due to the Sun-Moon conjunction in the eighth house, there is unknown fear inside the person. Such people hesitate to put their words in front of others.

If the Moon is not in a favorable position in this position, a person may suffer sexually. If the sun is too strong, it can cause stomach-borne diseases. This conjunction in this house can instill in the person a fear related to the depth of water. Therefore, due to this condition, such people do not even like to go to dark places.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 8th House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 9th House of the Kundali

This conjunction in the ninth house can lead a person to always follow 'Dharma' i.e. follow a righteous path. This condition can also make a person overly curious to know things.┬аMoon-Sun conjunction in the ninth house makes a person religious.┬а

Such people often stay away from their birthplace. Due to this position, the native is very much involved in religious activities. They eventually move to foreign and distant lands. Moon position can make a person strategic. Here, generally, the father overpowers the mother in decision-making.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 9th House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 10th house of the Kundali

The Sun is naturally afflicted in this house. Therefore, therefore such people from childhood know what they have to become. The tenth house represents obligations towards the authorities, government, and society. Most of the time this condition causes people to want to serve other people. Hence, they aspire to go into politics and government. This person is about service.

In the tenth house, the Sun is considered strong, while the Moon loses its power, so having this combination in this house gives the person the ability to represent, but due to the lack of gentleness, he can face problems in the workplace. Such people may have sleep problems, such people are not very good at handling expenses. Such people may get troubled in balancing their family life and social life.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 10th House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 11th House of the Kundali

The 11th house is known as the place of gains for example the place of satisfaction of wants, expectations, and wishes. With the blend of the Moon and Sun in the 11th house, the individual generally wants youngsters. Such people are always able to get money no matter how bad the situation is for them.

In the eleventh house, this alliance is going to strengthen the economic side of the person, although a lot of hard work has to be done to earn money. Such people never find common ground with their children, especially with their first child. They can change principles for their children. They want perfect health for themselves and struggle for it till their middle life. Such people generally make excellent life partners.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 11th House

Moon and Sun Conjunction in the 12th House of the Kundali

The twelfth house represents solitude and the subtle world. Due to the combination of the Sun and Moon in this house, the expression of a person always comes with a price. Such people are very intelligent. Talking about the negative aspects, they tend to have many addictions like drinking, smoking, etc. These people spend their money very lavishly and crave freedom in love.

This combination in the twelfth house can put a person into bad habits. Such people can harm themselves due to bad company. Due to the combination of the Sun and Moon, many problems come in life, and to overcome them you should take some measures.┬аRead more about Moon and Sun Conjunction in 12th House


It is had faith in astrology that the farther the Moon and the Sun are from one another. The more propitious they will provide for the locals. The further away the Moon is from the Sun, the more impressive it is. Then again, at whatever point these two planets form a combination in the kundali, it is called Amavasya Yoga. This yoga is not considered good for the natives because the Moon gives auspicious results only when it is away from the Sun. But as it starts coming closer to the Sun, it starts losing its coolness and creates inauspicious situations for the natives.


Due to the presence of Amavasya Yoga, the person does not get the auspicious results of the Moon. On the other hand, when these two planets form a vision relationship in the horoscope, then the person gets auspicious results. In this situation both the planets stay away from each other. If you are troubled by the combination of the Moon and Sun in the horoscope and its negative effects, then talk to an astrologer to know the remedy.

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