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Mercury Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant - Know its Effect

Mercury Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant - Know its Effect

Pisces is a double water sign ruled by the planet Jupiter. Mercury is an earth planet and is neutral towards Jupiter, which on the other hand is hostile toward it. Mercury is debilitated in the zodiac Pisces, this designation is still considered average because the planets involved are profitable. People born with Mercury in Pisces are very creative and imaginative.

They are highly sensitive so they get hurt easily. It seems like they are wearing rose-colored glasses all the time so they only see the good in everything. These people do not take any time to trust anyone.

If you are born in Pisces ascendant, then Mercury is considered an inauspicious planet for you. Hence, you are likely to get less positive results in the Dasha of Mercury till you are 17 years.

However, you can expect good results if the planet Mercury is situated in its sign in Gemini and Virgo. You will get material success, vehicles, houses, and a higher level of success. Weak Mercury can create problems in your married life and general health. If the planet Mercury is afflicted, then according to Vedic astrology, precautions should be taken.

Results of Mercury Mahadasha for Pisces┬аAscendant

Due to the Mahadasha of Mercury in Pisces ascendant, it gives better results to the person in many ways. The person thinks a lot about his family. The happiness of companions and friends may remain weak in life, and health-related problems may remain more. There can be more ups and downs regarding married life. There is a loss of property.

Mercury is the lord of the fourth house, the native's mother, land building, vehicle, quadruped, friend, partnership, peace, water, public, permanent property, kindness, benevolence, deceit, deceit, state of conscience, consumption of aquatic substances, accumulated wealth, False accusations, rumors, love, love affair, love marriage, etc. are representative of the subjects.

Being under the strong and auspicious influence of Mercury in the native's Janam Kundli or its Dashakal gives auspicious results in the above-mentioned subjects while being under weak and inauspicious influence gives inauspicious results.

Positive Effects of Mercury Mahadasha for Pisces┬аAscendant

These are gentle and humble souls who are kind to other beings. Their overly trusting attitude can sometimes backfire and make them vulnerable to deception and betrayal in key areas of life such as business partnerships and love affairs. There is a strong affinity for everything beautiful, from art and painting to music. The people of Pisces are dreamers, always lost in the world of imagination. These people are good at telepathic communication but not verbally. They would express themselves through mediums such as poetry or fine arts rather than speaking verbally.

The presence of Mercury in the fourth house gives the person the happiness of land, house, vehicle, and mother. In the Mahadasha of Buddha, work comes in a much better condition. There is a possibility of foreign settlement. Such a person has a special attachment to his mother. There is a possibility of getting a higher designation. The intellect is very sharp, and suddenly a situation of profit is created. Relations with elder brothers and sisters remain very good, there is a possibility of getting benefits. Health remains perfect, there is a possibility of getting a daughter. Success is achieved in love affairs. If Buddha is good even in strength, then the person never faces a shortage of money.

Negative Effect of Mahadasha of Mercury on Pisces┬аascendant

Mercury is low here. Such people should not give loans and should not take them either. There will be loss in both situations. Large amounts of money should not be given to anyone during your lifetime. The initial phase of life will not be the best for you. There will be problems related to health and somewhere if such people are born in the Mahadasha of Mercury, then sometimes there is the pain like death. Sometimes even survival becomes difficult.

It is a very painful time. Such people move ahead with planning and management. If such a person can make decisions, then in some cases such a person can work by taking a loan, but must also look at the position of other planets, otherwise, it is not good for you to take and give money.

When Mercury is debilitated, the intellect of the native is not able to support the native on time. The native experiences difficulty in making decisions on his own. Mental problems remain. In the Mahadasha of Directional Mercury, there is a chance of loss due to the work of the partnership. There is an atmosphere of discord in hitched life. Daily income declines. Such a person is very fast in mathematical calculations. In the Mahadasha of Mercury, there is a chance of suffering for the mother and life partner.


In Pisce's ascendant, Mercury is the ruler of the fourth house. Due to Mercury being the lord of the fourth house, land, building, vehicles, friends, partnership, peace, water, public, permanent property, kindness, benevolence, deceit, state of conscience, consumption of aquatic substances, wealth accumulation, in the life of the person.

Represents subjects like false allegations, rumors, love affairs, and love marriage. Such people are a believer and devoted to God and follow social conventions fanatically. Through
Astrology phone consultation, you can know in detail about Mercury Mahadasha in Pisces ascendant.

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