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Mercury Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant - Know its Effect

Mercury Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant - Know its Effect

Aquarius is a fixed wind sign, which is also ruled by Saturn. Capricorns tend to be landed and realistic, those born with Mercury in Aquarius tend to be overconfident and fly too close to the Sun because of their airy quality. A lot is contained in their mind, in the unsaid words, feelings, thoughts, and emotions.

Their mind is hyperactive, constantly working, and surrounded by a lot of negative thoughts. Although his ideas are innovative and original, they are sometimes abstract. They are emotionally detached people but that does not mean that they do not feel the pain of others. They often shoulder the burden of other people's problems.

If you belong to Aquarius Ascendant then Mercury is a benefic planet for you. Mercury is the lord of the fifth house and eighth house. That's why it is considered a beneficial planet for you.

During the Mahadasha of Mercury, you will get many types of achievements in life. You are likely to have good schooling, intelligence, wealth, health, professional achievement, foreign travel, etc. You are likely to be blessed with healthy and intelligent children.

If Mercury is debilitated in Pisces and afflicted by malefic planets, then your education and career may come to a barricade. Child-related problems may have to be faced. If Mercury is afflicted in the birth chart, measures should be taken to get rid of the negative effects of Mercury.

Results of Mercury Mahadasha for Aquarius┬а Ascendant

Due to the Mahadasha of Mercury for Aquarius ascendant, the person moves forward on the strength of art and efficiency. The effect of mental instability can give more trouble to the person. Problems can arise from the child's side. During this, the native has to face a lot of difficulty in taking any decision.

Mercury being the lord of the fifth house, the person's intelligence, soul, memory power, power to acquire knowledge, policy, self-confidence, management system, devotion to God, patriotism, the sacrifice of a job, ways to get money, getting money easily, gambling, lottery There is a representative of subjects such as speculation, Jathragni, son, child, worship by the mantra, fasting, fame of hand, Kukshi, self-respect, ego, etc. Being under the strong and auspicious influence of Mercury in the native's Janam Kundli or its Dashakal gives auspicious results in the above-mentioned subjects while being under weak and inauspicious influence gives inauspicious results.

Positive Effects of Mercury Mahadasha for Aquarius┬аAscendant

According to the horoscope of the Aquarius ascendant, Mercury is the lord of the fifth and ninth house and it represents the intelligence, knowledge, progeny, and lifestyle of the native. That's why the people of this ascendant always use their intelligence to improve their lifestyle. This is the reason why most of the thinkers and thinkers in our country were born in Aquarius. He believes in such a lifestyle, which can make the coming generation more capable. If Mercury is strong in Janam Kundli, Dashakal, or transit, such natives get to see the strength of their intelligence, and knowledge as well as the strength of their child's affairs, their lifestyle becomes strong.

They also indulge in a lot of social services without involving themselves emotionally. This sense of emotional isolation pervades his thought process as well. They base their actions more on thoughtful scientific analysis than on emotion and passion. Their intuition is also powerful which helps them to judge the characters of others easily. These natives strongly support the idea of equality and justice. They always play fair in life. Their nature is very sociable. They are always open to new ideas and have a great sense of humor, so keep the atmosphere light and bright.

Negative Effect of Mahadasha of Mercury on Aquarius┬аascendant

Coming in a low zodiac, such a person does not get the support of money, family, and family. The speech of the person gets spoiled. Obstacles and difficulties increase in the Mahadasha of Mercury. Expenses are incurred in a court case, or hospitals due to this the fear of accidents remain. One or the other tension remains in the Mahadasha of Mercury. There is a possibility of the child facing some problems. In the case of opposite Raja Yoga, the result should be known as auspicious.

Victory is achieved in the examination, victory in the court case, improvement in the health of the father, and foreign travel. Here, due to the presence of Mercury in the eighth house, there is a hindrance in every work of the native. Tension remains in Buddha's Mahadasha / Antardasha. Wisdom does not support it. The family does not get along. Jatak speaks a stinging speech. Tension and depression remain. There is a possibility of problems for any of the family members or children. In the case of opposite Raja Yoga, the result should be known as auspicious.

When Mercury is weak in Janam Kundli, Dashakaal, or transit, the person himself becomes mentally weak, cannot expect much from the child side and his lifestyle cannot be improved.


Mercury is the lord of the fifth house in Aquarius ascendant. Due to Mercury being the ruler of the fifth house, intelligence, soul, memory power, ability to acquire knowledge, power policy, self-confidence, management skills, devotion to God, patriotism, the sacrifice of a job, ways to get money, the possibility of getting money spontaneously, Vrat represents subjects like son, child, self-respect, ego, etc. Mercury is the lord of the fifth house in Aquarius ascendant.

Due to Mercury being the ruler of the fifth house, intelligence, soul, memory power, ability to acquire knowledge, power policy, self-confidence, management skills, devotion to God, patriotism, the sacrifice of a job, ways to get money, the possibility of getting money spontaneously, Vrat represents subjects like son, child, self-respect, ego, etc. Through
Astrology phone consultation, you can know in detail about Mercury Mahadasha in Kumbh Lagna.

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