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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Mars Opposite Mercury - Know its Effects

Mars Opposite Mercury - Know its Effects

When Mars transits your natal Mercury, you have more mental energy for a few days. You can stay focused for longer, you can also speak and discuss persuasively and effectively. These transits are more favorable for conversation.

You are mentally very alert right now and know how to express yourself. You also have enough energy to argue, so avoid getting angry or irritated, as you will not listen to others' opinions and this is necessary to convince others so that they do not feel intimidated by your views or opinions.

You can travel under Mars and Mercury transit, but you must exercise good judgment and restraint. These transits are favorable for making decisions or deciding which study to choose for the future, especially if outer planet transits are also in effect.

You can understand things more closely, and it is very conducive to study and research. It is also very favorable for traveling or implementing many ideas or projects. You are very confident in yourself and make your intentions very clear. You need both mental and physical activity. This is a very favorable time for holding talks, conferences, or presenting your ideas to the public.


Mars Opposite Mercury Natal┬а

It is probably difficult for you to accept the comfort and security in your life. It's not that you think you don't deserve those things. But you probably fear that a safety net and comfort zone are traps that hold you back from living your best and freest life. Therefore, you avoid a lot of nurturing, hugging, caressing, and other creature comforts because you don't want to feel like a pet.

It probably sounds extreme, but chances are you're prone to extremes. You may feel that you cannot move an inch with your feelings because something or someone is taking a long distance in your heart. So, you're ready to stay on the defensive and engage in a push-pull tango with the people who love you or want to be close to you. You can also play some permutations of this dance with friends as you generally avoid getting too close or intimate.


Mars Opposite Mercury Synastry┬а

Mars opposite Mercury synastry, the important thing is not to put yourself on the defensive and not to waste the mental energy that this transit gives you. You should strive for constructive communication instead. You should strive for constructive communication instead.

When Mars transits natal Mercury, you have great power to express yourself and establish your opinions. However, if you feel threatened, you jump in and interrupt others. So, it depends on your self-discipline whether you have to have productive and constructive conversations and thus avoid arguments.

You can persuade others and sell them whatever you want. You can also make a good impression if you focus your mental energy and avoid hostility. Avoid pressuring others because if you do so, the results will be neither real nor permanent.


Mars Opposite Mercury Transit┬а

You find it difficult to talk openly about your feelings, for fear that others may manipulate you or compromise your autonomy in some way. Still, your fear and defensiveness will probably lead to more conflicts with others because your emotions often bubble to the surface. But this prospect seems irrational and troubling to others.

Others may not expect anything from you other than to reveal the feelings you seem to be keeping so well under wraps. You're not, and once you make peace with that, you'll probably start getting along better with more people. Nevertheless, you will be very successful at keeping away those who are really trying to dominate you or play underhand games. But they probably aren't the people in your inner circle who you love and who love you back.


Now you can do things that require a lot of mental effort. You absorb more quickly whatever you're reading or researching. You feel very restless, so you are advised to be careful while driving any vehicle and not take unnecessary risks. You can use your enthusiasm to achieve a more direct and creative level of communication. If you want to know more about the Mars Opposite Mercury, then talk to astrologers online.

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