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Mars in Ashwini Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Mars in Ashwini Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If the Sun is aspected on Mars, then the person is a very dear, educated person and obeys the orders of his revered parents. If the sight of the Moon is on Mars, then the person does not like his own woman and likes the women of others. If the sight of Mercury is on Mars, then the person spends his money on market women, does such a thing, and is going to spend more money to show off in any program. If the sight of the Guru is on Mars, then the person becomes the owner of wealth, power, dominance, and his family. If the sight of Venus is on Mars, then the person is not able to eat and drink food peacefully, he who wastes his time in the affair of women, also gets into big trouble due to his mistake, but for the benefit of society. likes to do good deeds. If the sight of Saturn is on Mars, then the person is deprived of his mother's upbringing, and love and is drained of wealth.

Mars in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person is fit, well-functioning, courageous, not afraid of anyone, giving trouble to other people, expert in using weapons, tense, busy in his work, and ahead in fights. A virgin, a hater of sadhus, an officer in any department of law, is a doctor associated with boils. If Mars is in the sight of sin, then the person is a hooligan, selfish. If such a person happens in a government job, then the government is very happy with it.

Mars in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person has a beautiful image, loves all the members of his family, respects gurus, speaks sweet speech, is in a good job, follows religion, is friendly to all, and has wealth. - is full of wealth. If there is a union of Mars and Venus, then the person gets sex-related happiness, there is a hindrance in making a relationship with a woman and one is a practitioner of yoga.

The person is poor in wealth, has inferior children, and is resistant. In such a situation, the person is afraid of fire, vehicle accidents, and getting sick. In such a situation, if possible, the child of the person will be born as a girl child.

Mars in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person has a clear complexion, is skillfully conversant, respects gurus, has a saintly nature, does any work with patience, is a broker selling property or land, and is a doctor or doctor of animals. Happens also. If the sight of the Sun is on the health, wealth, and wealth of the person, then the person will lead a happy life.

If the malefic Mars is aspected by the malefic Sun, then Mars becomes more influential. And if there is no vision of the Sun or Guru, then the mother of the person dies in childhood. Therefore, the person enjoys full of yoga happiness.

Mars in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person is of a calm nature, has a happy mind, respecting, is self-respecting, friendly, behaving, contented, working efficiently, heroic, having children, and eating good food. If the Sun, Moon, and Mars meet, then the person becomes Surajya. If there is a vision of the Guru in this phase, then the person will get the property of his father. The person born between 12 to 13 degrees of Ashwini Nakshatra is an engineer.


When Mars is in Ashwini Nakshatra, it is the illuminator of the action, aggression, and emotion generated in the mind. If you want to know about Mars in Ashwini Nakshatra, then talk to astrologers.

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