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Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 7th House - Know its Effects

Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 7th House - Know its Effects

The position of Mars and Ketu Conjunction Ketu and Mars in the 7th house is likely to bear unfavourable results for the natives. They are full of energy and enthusiasm and are lacking patience which will affect their decision making and are likely to take more risks in their life. The position of Mars is very strong in their house which will help them to be brave and the weak position of Mars is likely to make them cowardly and will act as a blockage in their paths of success.

The blood in the body is likely to get affected by the position of Mars at this time when Mars will combine with Ketu and that is likely to bear positive effects. The characteristics of Ketu and Mars are very close to one another and they will affect the native very closely. A person can enjoy good fortune when the position of Ketu is exalted and on Mars it is often seen as representing strength and confidence.

With the conjunction of Mars and Ketu in the same house, a person becomes quite brave and courageous when taking any important decision in their life. They are very much courageous people who are having bold personality which helps them to achieve success and prosperity in their life with their own qualities. If you are confused about the influence of Mars and Ketu in your 7th house, ask one question to our famous astrologers.

Effect of Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 7th House

Relationships and conjugal life is being represented by the 7th house when the position of Ketu is very uncertain and Mars is quite strong. The natives are likely to grow a tendency to show impulsive behaviour in love relationships. This kind of person finds it difficult to compromise and sacrifice in their relationship for their partner’s good which might affect their relationship in the long term.

Though they are quite emotional and sentimental but are quite clear in their statements when it comes to relationships. With the influence of Ketu and Mars, they mostly prefer partners with similar kind of traits. They should stay careful to not be very rude and aggressive or dominating towards their partners which might cause separation and cause damage to their relationship.

They are advised to stay calm and cool with their spouse and handle their relationship carefully otherwise they might face compatibility issues. Natives who are having this conjunction in their birth chart are very arrogant and narrow-minded which will keep them away from their loved ones and they might become lonely in the later part of their life.

Positive Effect Of Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 7th House

Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 7th House is quite unfavourable but the involvement of other planets has reduced its malefic effects in the native’s birth chart. When Ketu is in a good position in a person’s birth chart they are likely to receive blessings from Ketu and acquire good health, wealth and prosperity in their life.

They will achieve tremendous wealth, and massive success in their profession along with enjoying good relationships with their loved ones. They will achieve growth in their professional life very fast which will make them financially very strong at a very young age in their 20s.

They will also hold a very powerful and influential position in society and will be respected in their known circle. With Mars and Ketu Conjunction in the 7th House, they are likely to become proud of themselves which might affect their relationship with their neighbours and relatives and it will affect their life negatively.

Negative Effect Of Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 7th House

If Ketu is not in its most fruitful position in the seventh house the native will face roughness and harshness. Their journey through life does not go as smoothly as expected. Due to this terrible position, the natives are often unhappy because they are not really satisfied. They often take a pessimistic attitude towards everyone and everything. They have no interest in maintaining relationships and are hypocritical by nature.

Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 7th House in Navamsa Chart

According to Navamsa Chart, if Mars and Ketu are in the same house within the seventh house, there may be damage to the marital lifestyles of the natives. Your partner may struggle a bit during this time, but if you refrain from talking back to them, you can maintain harmony in your marriage.

In a partnership business, actions must be conducted with firmness. When talking to others on a social level, choose your words carefully because a disagreement with someone can lead to a big fight with a loved one. Astrology phone consultation can be taken whenever you find yourself in a position or situation that you cannot resolve by yourself and need our expert guidance.


Mars-Ketu conjunction may be decreased via reciting Hanuman Chalisa and supplying crimson flowers to Lord Hanuman. Daily recitation of the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” can help reduce the dangerous results of this connection. To promote peace and stability in domestic affairs, the southwest corner of the house should be lit with a lamp filled with mustard oil.

Fasting on Tuesday can reduce the negative effects of Mars and increase harmony and stability in relationships. The negative effects of the Mars and Ketu Conjunction in the 7th House can also be reduced by wearing red clothes or red lentils for the less fortunate. Silver jewellery, such as a ball or ring, can bring good vibes and counteract the negative consequences of this connection.

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