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Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 12th House - Know its Effects

Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 12th House - Know its Effects

A person with Mars and Ketu Conjunction in the 12th house will face many challenges and struggle a lot to survive, but his efforts and subsequent achievements will be rewarded as this fight will enable him to reach excellent financial and professional achievements.

These people will make good use of their intelligence and time. Also, from this role, the conjunction of Rahu and Ketu inside the twelfth house can have a greater fantastic impact on the character's life.

Effect of Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 12th House

The person spends money on charitable endeavors and leads a high-priced lifestyle as the lord of reputation and fortune, leading the lifestyles of a king if Mars and Ketu are conjunct in the 12th house. Such a person spends a significant part of his life away from home or abroad, among victorious people, and he will shine in his development.

In their old age, they keep getting happiness from their grandchildren and keep winning arguments etc. Ketu becomes a diligent worker and invests money in charitable works when in contact with Mars. According to astrology, if Ketu is favorable in the twelfth house and Jupiter is in a favorable aspect, then the person is eligible for forgiveness after death.

Positive Effect Of Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 12th House

  • These persons have straightforward nature and easily believe others without any doubt. Therefore, they make a lot of friends and companions.

  • Once they fall in love with a person, they will never compromise the safety of that person. They will try to be theirs forever and will have everlasting heavenly love.

  • They may start their career as an ordinary clerk but they have the potential to reach the position of a secretary in the profession. They will join in the lower posts and will get promoted to higher ranks of service by dedication and hard work. They will earn a lot of respect in their professional lives.

  • They may get employed in the business organisations like life insurance corporations and will have a decent standard of living. Even they can join as a rifleman in the paramilitary forces and can rise up to the rank of assistant commandant. They have a probability of getting out of turn promotion in their service life because of their excellence and skills. 

  • It is quite evident that these persons will be employed in departments of government that will help the government to generate revenues like the income tax department, Excise directorate etc. They have the capability to successfully conduct raids On the illegal properties of a wealthy industrialist or VIP.

Negative Effect Of Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 12th House

They may flaunt their wealth. They may use their father’s wealth to lead a luxurious lifestyle and will misuse them. They may be engaged in unethical relationships with other women. This may create a lot of trouble in their romantic relationship.

Their lovers won’t trust them and they will stay in the relationship just for the sake of money. They will have a tendency to deceive their genuine lovers. As a result, their lover can commit suicide and they may be interrogated by the police officials and can even be arrested for encouraging them to do so.

They will have a great source of income but they won’t be able to utilise them. They may even spend their last life in judicial custody because of the crimes committed by them. They should be careful from their college days to be aware of their friends and not engage with any antisocial elements. Their so-called friends will always find a way to loot them and will leave them in dangerous positions in life. Take Astrology Phone Consultations from our relationship experts before taking a decision regarding your marriage.

Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 12th House in Navamsa Chart

According to Navamsa Chart, Ketu does not have the same direct impacts as Rahu; rather, it produces effects based on the planets and signs of the zodiac it influences, as well as the house it resides in. According to ancient astrology, it is compared to Mars.

According to our astrologers, the house and sign in a person's horoscope in which Mars and Ketu are conjunct in the 12th house increases the chances of injuries like burns and other damage-related signs on that area of the person's body.


They may encounter differences in opinions with their wives and that may create a little bit of disturbance but they would not take steps like divorce or separation and will solve their issues through discussion. They may have dental problems and they are advised to stay away from sweets and ice cream. They may have skin rashes and allergies. Ask One Question regarding your health in your old age.

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