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Ketu Nakshatra - Three Ketu Nakshatra and Their Results

Ketu Nakshatra - Three Ketu Nakshatra and Their Results

According to astrology, 27 Nakshatras have been described, and each of the three Nakshatras of the planets is said to be dominated, that is, their ownership, in the same series we have three Nakshatras of Ketu - 1- Ashwini, 2- Magha and 3- Moola. These three Nakshatras are called Gand Mool, in which it is prohibited to see the face of the born person and the father of the person for 27 days from birth, and we make an effort to know what is the result of these in our life.

Not only in Indian culture, Nakshatra been given a very important place, but in many foreign cultures also the importance of Nakshatra has been accepted. While this map has been made to determine the planetary positions of the constellations from the scientific point of view and the condition of which constellations is also clearly explained.

There are Three Ketu Nakshatra - Ashwini, Magha and Moola


Ashwini Nakshatra


The first Nakshatra among the constellations was an Apsara, who later became known as the mother of the Ashwini Kumars, Surya's wife, who was hidden in the form of a mare. Yamraj son of Surya's wife Ashwini. To organize life, if we take the support of space, depending on planets and constellations, then this supreme knowledge is called astrology. This body attains perfection after going through these different stages. We have to bear the fruits of our whole life in the condition in which the planetary transits take place at the time of birth.

Horse riding from Ashwini Nakshatra can be considered a vehicle. For this reason, all constellation is associated with the business of vehicles and transport. Ashwini Nakshatra has the following effects on human life - A healthy body, red eyes, protruding teeth, and any kind of marks visible on the face.

The person of Ashwini Nakshatra is jealous, fond, ruthless, and addicted to women. In Ashwini Nakshatra, there is pain in the head, eye, and skin pain and work as a business related to riding, horse riding, transportation, and machinery.

Women born in this Nakshatra are beautiful, interested in rich makeup, soft-spoken, tolerant, charming, intelligent, and have faith in elders, parents, and deities. When Ashwini Nakshatra is associated with or related to auspicious planets, it gives auspiciousness to the native, on the contrary, inauspicious elements and related diseases, irony, or difficulties are experienced. In such a situation, most head injuries, bone marrow diseases, and diseases that harm the brain, smallpox, malaria, and sometimes paralysis have been found to be formed.┬а


Magha Nakshatra


Magha Nakshatra comes in the Sun's Leo sign. Nakshatra lord is Ketu, its Mahadasha is of 7 years. Ketu is considered to be the torso of Rahu, while from a scientific point of view, Ketu is the south end of the earth. Due to Ketu being dominant, such people are of stubborn nature.

Work cannot be extracted from them from an imperative point of view. They can do anything if they are told with love. Along with Sun and Ketu, the natives born in this Nakshatra are affected according to the Ascendant.

If there is an Aries ascendant, then the zodiac will be in the fifth house. Rashi Swami will be Sun. If Ketu's alliance with Sun is in the fifth house, then such a person is sharp in education. Their children can be of stubborn nature and also from the operation. They are strong on the tongue. If the Sun is in the Ascendant and Ketu is also in the Ascendant, then one gets great success.

Administrators also become ministers of state. But somewhere there is an obstacle to conjugal happiness. If Sun's zodiac sign Leo is in the fourth house in Taurus ascendant, then if Nakshatra Swami is also in the fourth house, then he becomes famous among the public, he gets the best of house, land, building, and mother's happiness. Are more successful in local politics.

Some born in this Nakshatra are outspoken, forthright, easily accepted, fearless, courageous, selfish, high-ambitious, like high-level livelihood, reach specific positions, and are also interested in secret works.┬а

They are candid, bold, courageous, and proud, but agile in their own work. No work can be done by ordering them, rather any work can be done humbly or by requesting them. They understand anything quickly, they just need to be able to explain.

Such people are also respectable among scholars. They are very efficient in dealing with others. They keep their distance from unnecessary people. Such people do not tolerate injustice in any way, nor do they like to lie. This type of person does such a thing, due to which he gets fame.


Moola Nakshatra


All four phases of Moola Nakshatra fall in Sagittarius. The lord of the constellation is Ketu. AKetu Jupiter is exalted in Sagittarius and its Dasha is for 7 years. After this, the Dasha of Venus appears for a maximum period of 20 years, which makes these dishes more important in their life. This condition is going to increase the sense of education in their life, in this condition youth comes from childhood.

Ketu is a shadow planet, it is the trunk of Rahu according to Puranic opinion, but from a scientific point of view, it is the corner of the South Pole. It is high in Sagittarius, low in Gemini, self in Pisces, and enemy in Virgo. Ketu is not able to give independent results, it will give results with whom it is with. If Ketu and Guru are also together in Sagittarius or exalted in Pisces or Cancer, then doubling its effect will give good results wherever it is located.

Such a person will be honest but also of stubborn nature. Such a person becomes successful in the field of law, judgment, bank employment, administrative services, cloth trade, grocery, etc.

If born in the first phase of Moola Nakshatra, then there is trouble for the father, in the second phase, for the mother, loss of wealth in the third, and auspiciousness in the fourth. A girl born in the combination of Moola Nakshatra and Ravi Vaar destroys her father-in-law. This fruit is available only in the first four years.


If you are born in Ashwini, Magha, and Moola Nakshatra then you should worship Ganesha. It is beneficial for people born in this Nakshatra to donate gray-colored clothes, garlic, etc. on any Thursday or Wednesday of the month. If you want to know more about Ketu's Nakshatra then do an astrology phone consultation.

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