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Jupiter in Leo Ascendant - Astrological Guide

Jupiter in Leo Ascendant - Astrological Guide

The people of Leo ascendant are the owners of very attractive personalities. They are ambitious, courageous, strong-willed, and confident. However, sometimes they become very aggressive when they are very upset about something. The people of Leo ascendant are intuitive, intelligent, and open-minded. They follow orthodox principles in religion but are also sensitive to education. Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius and Pisces which are considered exalted in Cancer and low in Capricorn. In the horoscope of Leo Ascendant, Jupiter Panchmesh, being the eighth lord, is considered a karaka house. If the house is weak in the auspicious position of Jupiter, then the native of this ascendant Kunadali should wear a topaz.


Jupiter in all 12 Houses for Leo Ascendant


Jupiter in 1st House Leo Ascendant


If there is a Jupiter in the Ascendant, then the person's intellect becomes very sharp, and the birth of a child is formed in the Kundali of the person. For married life, Jupiter bestows auspiciousness and the work of partnership creates the sum of profit. Luck favors the native. The natives can travel abroad.


Jupiter in 2nd House Leo Ascendant


Such a person gets wealth, and family support. Money keeps coming into the family of the native. The voice is very fine. In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the person is not able to face the obstacles, luck gives full support to the native.


Jupiter in 3rd House Leo Ascendant


The person is very hardworking and mighty. After hard work, the luck of the person definitely supports him. The younger brother's yoga is formed. There are problems in married life and partnership. The person is not a patriarch, they are religious. There is a conflict with elder siblings.


Jupiter in 4th House Leo Ascendant


In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the person gets to land, a house, a vehicle, and a mother's happiness by having a Jupiter in the fourth house. Obstacles are removed. Work is also in better condition. Foreign trips keep happening, there is also a possibility of foreign settlement.


Jupiter in 5th House Leo Ascendant


The person's intellect is very sharp, the age of getting a son is formed, the father is very good from the point of view of religion, the person travels abroad, is made with elder brother and sister and the new vision makes the person very intelligent.


Jupiter in 6th House Leo Ascendant


The court case, hospital cost. The fear of accidents remains. After a lot of hard work in the competition, the person gets successful. Profession comes in a bad position, the person does not remain religious. There is some tension or the other in the Mahadasha of Jupiter. The family faces problems. Family support is not available, the health of the person is not good and the sum of foreign settlement is also formed.


Jupiter in 7th House Leo Ascendant


The life partner of the person is intelligent, there is a possibility of getting profit from business and partners. Relations with elder brother and sister are good, the person is intelligent and hardworking, younger brother's yoga is formed.


Jupiter in 8th House Leo Ascendant


Due to the placement of Jupiter in the eighth house, there is a hindrance in all the work of the native. Extravagant expenses keep happening. The native does not get the support of the family, and there is a loss of money. Son may have to face problems. There is a decrease in the happiness of land, house, and vehicle, there is also bitterness in the relationship with the mother. The native may have to stay away from home.


Jupiter in 9th House Leo Ascendant


The native is a paternal devotee. If you work with your father, you will get more benefits. The fifth vision of Jupiter makes the person intelligent, the seventh is hardworking and the ninth vision gives birth to a son, sudden benefits, and good health.


Jupiter in 10th House Leo Ascendant


The profession of the person remains good. Wealth and family get full support. The native gets happiness from land, house, vehicle, and mother. Competition and court cases are won and the disease gets rid of, and the loan is paid on time.


Jupiter in 11th House Leo Ascendant


In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, relations with elder and younger siblings remain cordial. There is a possibility of getting a minor disease in the stomach, which is also cured later. The person gets good children, intelligence, the person is very hardworking. Marital happiness is attained, the partnership is beneficial, and daily income increases.


Jupiter in 12th House Leo Ascendant


There is always some tension. The son does not get along. The mind remains troubled. There is trouble from the mother, there is no happiness in the house, vehicle, and land. The court case, hospital cost. The fear of accidents remains. In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, unnecessary expenditure remains. There are obstacles in every work.


The presence of Jupiter in the Cancer ascendant gives mixed results to the native. Talk to an astrologer to know about the remedies to remove the negative effect of Jupiter in Leo Ascendant.

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