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How Does Pitra Dosha Occur? Pitru Dosha Remedies and Symptoms

How Does Pitra Dosha Occur? Pitru Dosha Remedies and Symptoms

The ancestors are called Dev. Just as we worship the gods for their blessings, in the same way, we offer tarpan, pind daan, etc. to the ancestors to get their mercy. If the tarpan, shraddha, and pind daan of the ancestors are not performed properly, then the family suffers from Pitra Dosh. After this the departed ancestors of that family cause pain to the family members living there and due to this the life of the family members becomes difficult and a situation of unrest and distress arises in the family. Therefore, it is very important to offer tarpan to the ancestors.



How Does Pitra Dosh Occur?



The first reason for Pitra Dosh is not offering tarpan to your ancestors. The soul is immortal, it remains alive even after death. For their peace, tarpan is offered to them on their death anniversary or at the time of Shraddha. Although there is a rule to offer tarpan every day, it must be done during Shraddha Paksha. In some circumstances, family members are not able to offer tarpan to their ancestors, in such a situation they have to face Pitra Dosh. At the same time, the position of the Sun, Rahu, and Saturn in the horoscope of the native also causes Pitra Dosh.



Symptoms of Pitru Dosha


  • Due to Pitra Dosha, the progress of the family gets obstructed and there is always a situation of trouble in the house.

  • Problems related to marriage and children start arising.

  • There is always a fear of stigma on the family members and they do not get respect in the society.

  • Children become ill-mannered.

  • Works that are already done fail.

  • There is no success in business and there is constant anger and hatred in the family.



Remedies for Pitra Dosh Nivaran


  • In Pitru Paksha, on the day of Amavasya on the day of Shradh or any auspicious event in the house, the law of Pitra Tarpan has been mentioned in our scriptures. On these auspicious occasions, people perform Tarpan and Shradh for the peace of the souls of their ancestors.

  • It is mentioned in the scriptures that by properly performing the Tarpan of Pitra Devs, happiness and prosperity are attained in the family.

  • On this day, one can also fast for the peace of the souls of ancestors.

  • According to astrology, the head of the family or the eldest son should perform the Shradh Karma and Tarpan of the ancestors. If there are no sons, then other persons in the house can offer Tarpan to the ancestors through water.

  • Perform Tarpan of ancestors in the morning, but feed the Brahmins only in the afternoon, it should not be done in the evening or after that, this is the law in our scriptures.

  • Tarpan and Shraddha of ancestors should never be performed on someone else's land. If you do not have your own house, then perform Tarpan in a temple, pilgrimage place, or on the bank of a river.

  • On the day of Pitra Tarpan or Shraddha, hair and nails should not be cut.

  • Only Satvik food should be consumed on this day, not doing so leads to loss of wealth Pitra Devta gets angry and all the rituals become futile.

  • Therefore, finding an opportunity, Tarpan should be offered to Pitra Dev through Brahmins as per Vedic rituals.


Benefits of Tarpan for Removal of Pitra Dosha


  • Through Tarpan, Pitra Devtas are pleased and obstacles in life are destroyed.

  • With the blessings of Pitra Devtas, respect, and prestige increase in society.

  • Problems related to job, business, marital life, and children are eliminated.

  • Peace happiness and prosperity increase in family life.


In Vedic astrology, Pitru Dosha is considered to be one of the destructive astrological defects. People with Pitru Dosha in the horoscope suffer from many obstacles, calamities, and adversities in various spheres of life. Due to the inauspicious effects of Pitru Dosha, the native is unable to achieve the desired success and faces difficulties in almost every work. If you also want to know whether there is Pitru Dosha in your horoscope or not, then you can┬аTalk to Astrologers.

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