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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

February Birthstone - Neelam Birthstone

February Birthstone - Neelam Birthstone

If you were born in the month of February of any year, then astrology says that you have amazing attraction power. You have two more amazing powers, one is the intuition power and the other is the ability to receive. A strange kind of strangeness is also found. When you are happy, you are so happy that happiness cannot handle you and when you are sad, you are very sad. You carry a mystery around you. It is not very difficult to understand you but not that easy either. No one knows when to get upset about what. You have lots of friends. Friends of all ages and all classes will be found in the group, but it is useless to say anything about how many tracks will sit with them. Never get angry with anyone. Understand in this way that simple in mind, difficult by nature is your simple definition. Those born in the month of February come under the sign of Aquarius. And the lord of Aquarius is Shani Dev(Saturn).


February Gemstone тАУ Neelam Gemstone


For those born in this month, a stone called Neelam gemstone is considered a lucky gemstone or lucky birthstone. Wearing Neelam gemstones not only increases their intellectual knowledge but also gives them great success in business etc. With the help of this gemstone, he has been seen to get success in horse racing, running, lotteries, and other similar schemes.

Neelam gemstone must be worn by all those going on long journeys as a protective shield before leaving the house. Neelam gemstones were worn to keep people away from the bad addiction to alcohol. This gem also makes a person a hard worker.


February Birthstone Color┬а


Sapphire gemstone is a beautiful purple-colored gemstone. Sapphire gemstone is also being used for making garlands for the worship of God for the last thousands of years. Sapphire Rattan has been used as a protective shield in many European countries since ancient times.

Neelam gemstone also has the properties of enhancing intellectual abilities, so it helps people doing intellectual work and people who are poets, writers, writers, teachers, and people who are practicing advocacy to get international fame soon. Many well-known lawyers and diplomats from all over the world have won big cases by wearing Neelam gemstones. Many litterateurs and writers in the world have made a name for themselves all over the world with the help of Neelam gemstone.

Neelam gemstone has a special ability to get help from others, to make an emperor, to minister, or to reach a high position. Therefore, since ancient times, big people have been wearing this gem on their bodies. The people of the dynasty used to make a locket or ring of Neelam gemstone and wear their hands around the neck here.┬а


February Birthstone Meaning┬а

Neelam gemstone not only gives intellectual knowledge but also provides huge success in business etc. With its help, success has been seen in horse racing, race, lottery, and other similar schemes.

Regarding the Neelam gemstone, there has been a belief since time immemorial that this gemstone also protects against the effects of toxic substances, so if any poisonous medicine or food is consumed in the cups made of this stone, its toxic effect ends.

Neelam gemstone is considered to be a miraculous gem including it in precious gems, which provides strength, intelligence, and knowledge as well as wealth property to the wearer. Whose mind is always restless due to mental stimulation, whose sleep is disturbed or whose blood pressure is always higher than normal, people who start getting angry on the matter, if such people are given a ring studded with Neelam gemstone, then It remains very useful.

Wearing Neelam gemstone removes all the troubles soon. Neelam gemstone also maintains the normal sexual desire of a person. This witchcraft evil eye also protects against false accusations of theft, etc., and the trouble of litigation. This gem brings respect to the royal court. It keeps the soldiers from getting injured on the battlefield.

All these ancient beliefs regarding Neelam gemstones have been found to be true to a great extent. Wearing Neelam gemstone is very beneficial for those who are employed in administrative service, do business of coal, quarry, etc., or those who run their hotel, etc.


If you or any of your loved ones were born in the month of February and you are curious to know about a lucky gemstone for it, then take an astrology phone consultation.

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