Effects of Planets in Taurus Ascendant
Taurus is a physical or fixed sign, which is ruled by Venus. People born under this ascendant will be virtuous, determined, courageous and brave, but at the same time you can be proud, stubborn, harsh. Such a person is hardworking, stable minded, gentle in nature, patient but calm, selfish, interested in sex relations, acting according to his own will, envious of others, having strong memory, interested in poetry. Those who are smart, ethical and earn money with the help of relatives and friends.
Effect of Moon in Taurus Ascendant
In the horoscope of Taurus ascendant, Moon is the lord of the third house. It represents the native's servants, siblings, consumption of indecent substances, anger, confusion, writing, computer, accounts, mobile, effort, courage, bravery, cough, exercise, etc. Therefore, all these tasks are done to satisfy the mind of the people of Taurus ascendant.
In the above-mentioned contexts, the person of Taurus ascendant remains happy after getting auspicious results of the Moon in the horoscope and Dasha period. If the Moon is weak or under the malefic influence in the horoscope or Dasha period, inauspicious results are obtained in the above contexts and the person gets mental troubles.
Effect of Sun in Taurus Ascendant
Light beam Sun is the lord of the fourth house in Taurus ascendant. This person's mother, land, building, vehicle, quadruped, friend, partnership, peace, water, public, permanent property, kindness, benevolence, deceit, deceit, conscience, consumption of aquatic substances, accumulated wealth, false accusation, rumor, Represents references to love, love affair, love marriage, etc. The native uses references to the fourth house for his name fame and fame.
The people of Taurus ascendant get the most attention for their name, fame, and fame in the above-mentioned contexts. If the Sun is auspicious and strong in the horoscope or Dasha period, the person gets good results by spreading fame and fame, and when the Sun is weak and under the influence of sin, due to the reduction in the above-mentioned references, there is a decrease in his fame and fame.
Effect of Mars in Taurus Ascendant
The lord of the seventh and twelfth house is Mars in Taurus ascendant. Being the seventh lord, it is the factor of Lakshmi, women, sex, death, sexual intercourse, theft, quarrel, disturbance, nuisance, genital, business, etc., and being the twelfth lord, it represents expenditure. Obviously, expenditure has an important role in the household environment of the people of this ascendant.
When Mars is strong and under the benefic influence in the horoscope or Dasha period, due to the increase in the spending power of the Taurus ascendant, one gets happiness and ease in carrying out the household chores. If Mars is weak or under the influence of sin in the horoscope or Dasha period, then due to the lack of spending power of the person, the atmosphere of the household becomes miserable.
Effect of Venus in Taurus Ascendant
Venus is the lord of the first and sixth houses. Being the ascendant, it is representative of the person's form, sign, caste, body, age, happiness, sorrow, conscience, mind, nature, shape, and complete personality of the person. And being the sixth person represents all kinds of references like disease, debt, enemy, insult, worry, doubt, pain, maternal, untrue speech, yoga practice, zamindari, and moneylender.
Both these houses have a very close relationship with the health and self-confidence of the Taurus ascendant. When Venus is strong and strong in the horoscope or Dasha period, the body and health are benefited in every way and the person's self-confidence is increased by combining the auspicious results in the mentioned contexts. On the contrary, when Venus is weak or under the malefic influence in the horoscope or Dasha period, problems arise in the above-mentioned subjects and there remains a weakness in their health and self-confidence.
Effect of Mercury in Taurus Ascendant
Mercury is the lord of the second house and represents the subjects of the native's family, family, education, eyes (right), nose, throat, ears, vocals, diamonds, pearls, gems jewelry, beauty, singing, speech, etc. The natives of Taurus ascendant get ease and auspicious results in the above-mentioned subjects when Mercury is under the auspicious influence of Mercury in the horoscope or Dasha period. Whereas on the contrary Mercury is weak or malefic, then in the above-mentioned contexts one has to face difficulties and deficiencies.
Effect of Jupiter in Taurus Ascendant
Jupiter is the lord of the eighth house, disease, life, age, cause of death, mental anxiety, sea travel, atheistic thought stream, in-laws, misfortune, poverty, laziness, place, prison journey, hospital, rip-off operation, exorcism, witchcraft, life represents the horrific dreary sorrow of. If Jupiter is strong and under the benefic influence in the horoscope or Dasha period, auspicious results are obtained in the above-mentioned subjects, on the contrary, due to the sinful effect and weak Jupiter, opposite results are obtained.
Effect of Saturn in Taurus Ascendant
Shani is the lord of two important houses like ninth and tenth. Being the ninth lord, it represents the subjects of religion, virtue, fortune, guru, brahmin, deity, pilgrimage, devotion, mental attitude, fortune, modesty, tenacity, migration, father's happiness, pilgrimage, charity, peepal, etc.┬а And being the tenth lord, it is representative of references like state, prestige, karma, father, lordship, business, authority, havan, rituals, opulence enjoyment, fame, leadership, foreign travel, and paternal property.
Both these houses hold a very important place in the religious, political, and social life of the people of Taurus ascendant. Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Saturn in the horoscope or Dasha period, the person gets very auspicious and positive results related to the above-mentioned subjects and mainly luck and karma. On the contrary, when Saturn is weak and under the influence of sin, inauspicious results are obtained in these subjects.
Effect of Rahu in Taurus Ascendant
Rahu being the lord of the fifth house becomes the fifth lord and becomes the lord of a very important triangle. And the most important subjects of life like intellect, soul, memory power, power to acquire knowledge, policy, self-confidence, management system, devotion to god, patriotism, renunciation of job, ways to get money, effortless money acquisition, gambling, lottery, Represents Satta, son progeny, worship by the mantra, fasting fast, the fame of the hand,┬а self-respect, ego.
The strong and auspicious Gat Rahu in the horoscope or its Dasha period gives very auspicious results in the above-mentioned subjects, whereas the weak and sinful effect Gat Rahu gives more inauspicious results by mitigating these subjects.
Effect of Ketu in Taurus Ascendant
Ketu being the lord of the eleventh house is representative of the feelings of greed, profit, selfishness, slavery, servitude, the inferiority of children, daughter-in-law, tau, uncle, brother, elder brother, and sister, corruption, bribery, dishonesty, etc. In the birth chart or in its Dasha period, the strong and auspicious Gat Rahu maintains income in all respects by giving very auspicious results, whereas the weak and inauspicious effect Gat Ketu gives inauspicious results by reducing the above-mentioned result.
There are many things worth knowing about the Taurus ascendant. If you want to know more about the effect of planets in Taurus Ascendant then you can talk to astrologers.