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8th House Lord In 7th House - 8th Lord In 7th House

8th House Lord In 7th House - 8th Lord In 7th House

The 7th house is related to the Kama angle and the 8th house is related to the Moksha angle, hence 7th lord in the 8th house indicates that the native may be very sensual or may have high sexual desire. Hence, the native may be inclined towards illicit relations or such activities. If the lord of the 8th house is making relation with a naturally inauspicious planet in the 7th house then it may lead to quarrel/separation/divorce/death of the life partner depending on the horoscope. Can cause. If that planet is naturally auspicious then the intensity of inauspicious results may be reduced.

The native's wife may suffer from disease or the native may suffer financial loss. The native's wife may become a reason for blaming the native. The seventh house is for foreign travel or travel to a place far away from the birthplace. Hence, the lord of the eighth house in the seventh house is indicating that the native may face obstacles especially while traveling abroad. The person may have to face bad conditions in a foreign place. It is also possible that the person may abandon his motherland for his professional purposes.

8th Lord In 7th House Marriage

As per Marriage Prediction,┬аthe 8th lord in the 7th house wants a partner who is stable, organized, and conservative. If you decide to get married early, you may get the life partner of your choice.

8th Lord In 7th House Love Marriage

As per Love Marriage Astrology,┬аyour love partner will be attractive looking and have an attractive personality. Your love partner will be with you during difficult times and help you recover from career failures, health problems, or money-related problems.

8th Lord In 7th House Spouse Appearance

The person may have more than one marriage. At the same time, it is not considered good regarding the relationship with the wife because there are many misunderstandings between the two.

Positive Effects of Eighth House Lord In Seventh House

If the lord of the seventh house and eighth house is in a good position and has sufficient strength then the person can get great material success in his life. The person can get good fame and if in politics then he can go on a foreign trip and get fame. The person may be successful in a foreign land.

Negative Effects of Eighth House Lord In Seventh House

The lord of the 8th house, which is important for our life span, is situated in the 7th house from its own house which is not considered good for the life span of the person. It can improve the antidote effect of the seventh house. Therefore the age of the person may be reduced. The person may suffer from incurable disease or long-lasting disease. The body of the person may be deformed due to birth or due to the influence of any planet. Since the seventh house is related to a place that is far away from the birthplace, it is possible that the native may lose his life in a foreign place.

8th Lord In 7th House Navamsa

The lord of the eighth house is in the seventh house in Navamsa Chart indicating that the personality of the person is very false. They try to show some different personalities but in reality, they are different from their inner soul. The native may be afraid of God but he may not have enough faith in God. The person may have a hidden image different from his public image. In fact, the 7th house indicates the image of the person to others and the 8th house is of secret or hidden personality, hence the person may have some hidden personality.


If the lord of the seventh house is with the lord of the eighth house then it can be a strong maraka in the horoscope. The age of the person may be reduced. The person may have health-related problems. The person may face problems in his relationship. If this conjunction is in a good position then the person gets a lot of material comforts. The person is enjoying sexual matters. If the condition is not good then the person may suffer from diseases related to sexual organs or difficulty in sex. If you want to know more about the effect of the 8th lord in the 7th house, then talk to astrologers.

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