8th House Lord In 12th House - Love, Marriage & Spouse Appearance
If the lord of the 8th house is not in a good position in the 12th house then due to this the person may have to face blame. The person may have to go to jail or suffer from legal problems. The person may get admitted to the hospital due to his incurable illness. The person may have to lose his property due to gambling activities or immoral activities.
When the lord of the 8th house is in the 12th house with the lord of the 12th house then it is creating a powerful Viparita Rajayoga. The person may become famous for his unexpected job. The person may receive a lot of money and accumulate good property. But if the above conjunction is not good or afflicted in any way then the auspicious effects may reduce and the inauspicious effects may improve. Like the person gets blamed for immoral acts.
8th Lord In 12th House Marriage
As per Marriage Prediction,┬аthese people should marry late to find a true partner in life. It also shows that you are facing financial losses due to sudden events. If they wait until their 30s for a relationship, they are very realistic and practical.
8th Lord In 12th House Love Marriage
As per Love Marriage Astrology,┬аthere will be a big conflict of ego between the partners, the natives will have difficulty understanding their love partner.
8th Lord In 12th House Spouse Appearance
If the 8th lord and the 12th house are present then both the couples do not understand each other. A fight is possible between the couple. It can also cause separation or death of the life partner.
Positive Effects of Eighth House Lord In Twelfth House
The lord of the 8th house can also create Viparita Rajyoga in the 12th house. According to Phaldeepika, it can also be known as Vimala Yoga. As Viparita Rajyoga is indicating the native may get a good position after initial troubles. Vimal Yoga is indicating that the person may be very frugal in terms of expenses. The person is very adept at saving. The person shows good behavior towards others. The person can spend on every kind of happiness. The person may be an independent person. The native's occupation may be respectable. The person may be remembered for his good qualities. So this is the general effect of Vimala Yoga with respect to Phaldipika.
Negative Effects of Eighth House Lord In Twelfth House
The lord of the eighth house is situated in the expenditure house, so it can be an indicator of loss in your lifetime. Since the lord of the 8th house is also 12th from the 1st house, this could be another indicator of age-related trouble. The person may face lifetime problems. Also warned about inauspicious combinations with the lord of the 12th house and the lord of the 8th house. Hence, this combination can become a cause of concern regarding the life span of the person. But the evil effects can be reduced if the lord of the eighth house is in a good position.
8th Lord In 12th House Navamsa
In Navamsa Chart, if the lord of the 8th house is in the 12th house in Navamsa then the person may be a spiritual person or may be spiritually awakened. The person may have deep knowledge regarding spiritual activities. The native can do some research work regarding spirituality. Both the 8th house and the 12th house are related to sexual pleasure, hence the lord of the 8th house in the 12th house is indicating that the native can get good sexual pleasure. But it may also cause some sexual or hormonal problems. The 12th house is of gold, hence the lord of the 8th house is in the 12th house, indicating that the person may have trouble sleeping.
The lord of the 8th house is related to obstacles and the 12th house is related to expenses, hence the lord of the 8th house in the 12th house is indicating that the native may face obstacles for his expenses. The person does not spend on any real matter. But since the eighth house is Dusthan and is related to immoral activities, it is possible that the native will spend his money on immoral matters like gambling, drinking, sexual pleasures, etc. This type of result is seen when the lord of the eighth house is associated with an inauspicious planet. Otherwise, this position indicates a break in expenses which generally means financial gain for the native. The person can save enough money by controlling his expenses. If you want to know more about the effect of the 8th lord in the 12th house, then talk to astrologers.