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2nd House Lord In 9th House - Love, Marriage & Spouse Appearance

2nd House Lord In 9th House - Love, Marriage & Spouse Appearance

The benefic lord of the second house will make the native generous, wealthy, and true to his word. On the other hand, an inauspicious planet makes him poor and a hypocrite. An inauspicious lord will also make the native's brother poor. The native's wealth will be earned through proper means. He may earn from international trade or dealings with foreigners. They will have good relations with their younger siblings. Their children will attain high positions because of their intelligence and ability to give good advice. They can also be secretaries or ministers in the government.

Due to this house being eighth from the second house, it shows the loss and termination of the bank of the native. Hence the relation between the second and the ninth house, when unfavorable planets are involved, shows losses due to bank failure. However, this will not happen if the lord of the second house is also associated with the eleventh house. The connection of the second house with the ninth house also means that the native will earn through research, international trade, religion, or long journeys. The health of the native will be poor in the initial years, which will improve with the years.

2nd Lord In 9th House Marriage

As per┬аMarriage Prediction,┬аthe lord of the 2nd house is in the 9th house indicating that the native may have a materialistic outlook towards life. The natives enjoy marital happiness. Natives can be happy. If the lord of the second house is in the ninth house with the lord of the seventh house, then it is not considered good for married life. Depending on the horoscope it may lead to multiple marriages or divorce or death of the spouse. If this conjunction is establishing a relationship with the lord of the sixth house or the lord of the twelfth house, then the situation may be more serious.

2nd Lord In 9th House Love Marriage

As per Love Marriage Astrology, The 9th house is of fame and the 9th house and 2nd house are establishing relations with each other which is indicating that a native can prove to be successful in love life.

2nd Lord In 9th House Spouse Appearance

If the lord of the 2nd house is in the 9th house with the lord of the 9th house, the native may become very rich, his life partner may be fortunate, the native may earn through morality, and the native may have relations with learned persons.

Positive Effects of Second House Lord In Ninth House

When the second lord is situated in the ninth house, the person is financially fortunate. If the planet is in a good position then the native is fortunate in terms of money, having prosperous parents, and family life. Professions like professors, lawyers, philosophers, educationists, teachers, ministers, judges, travel agents, import-export, jewelers, and money handlers generate income. Gets help from parents when needed.

The 2nd house is 6th from the 9th house of the father, so we can say that his father may have good wealth but it has been acquired through unethical means. The ninth house is a long journey, so the person can earn money on a long journey. They can also get money through their father is helpful in getting money.

Negative Effects of Second House Lord In Ninth House

If the planet is not in a good position or is weak then the individual may suffer from a poor personal level of spiritual development, not being financially fortunate, money troubles abroad, bad food or food poisoning while traveling, parents being financially weak, and money-deprived. Remains sad due to lack. Higher education.

2nd Lord In 9th House Navamsa

The lord of the second house is in the ninth house in the┬аNavamsa Chart,┬аindicating that the native may be naturally lucky in terms of money. He can be rich and wealthy. They have good prosperity. The ninth house is of religion, so the lord of the second house in the ninth house is indicating that the native may use his wealth in religious activities, such as religious travel, establishing a religious place, and conducting religious functions or rituals.

The ninth house belongs to the father. So the lord of the second house is indicating in the ninth house that the native may have a good association with the father. Since the 2nd house is the 6th house from the 9th house, so if the lord of the 2nd house is afflicted in the 9th house then it may cause the death of the father or any health problem for the father.


If the lord of the second house is in a good position in the ninth house, then the native can get income through ethical means. 2nd house is of initial knowledge and it is situated in the 9th house so it is indicating that natives can get a good education or practical knowledge. The native may have spiritual and inner knowledge. He has good knowledge of religious rituals and activities. If you want to know more about the effect of the 2nd lord in the 9th house, then talk to astrologers.

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