12th House Lord In 7th House - Love, Marriage & Spouse Appearance
The lord of the 12th house in the 7th house indicates that the native will have a weak physical constitution or lack of vitality. This may also lead to problems related to profession or property. The education of the natives may not be good. When the lord of the 7th house is in the 7th house with the lord of the 12th house then it is not considered good for marital life. The person may face happiness and sorrow related to marriage. The native's wife may face health problems. If the relationship goes badly, the wife may die. It can also become a cause of destruction in the native's relationship. The person may be living abroad or his wife may be living far away from him. The person might be thinking away from his birthplace.
12th Lord In 7th House Marriage
As per┬аMarriage Prediction,┬аthe Lord of the 12th house being in the 7th house also affects the married life of the person. This can make marital life unhappy. This can also hurt domestic happiness.
12th Lord In 7th House Love Marriage
As per┬аLove Marriage Astrology,┬аthe 7th house is the house of partnership and marriage, and the presence of the 12th lord here may indicate a romantic attitude towards love and relationships. A person may look for a partner who meets their ideal notions of love and marriage.
12th Lord In 7th House Spouse Appearance
The 7th house is of life partner and the 12th house is of expenses, hence the lord of the 12th house in the 7th house indicates that the life partner of the person may be very quarrelsome by nature. It is also possible that his spouse may be quarrelsome or there may be some misunderstanding with his spouse. If the seventh house is under inauspicious influence then there may be separation from the wife or the wife may stay far away from the person. If badly associated, the lord of the 12th house in the 7th house may cause harm or death to his wife.
Positive Effects of Twelfth House Lord In Seventh House
In general, the 12th lord in the 7th house for all ascendants means that there is a high possibility that you will meet someone who has come from a foreign land, and you will fall in love with them, and eventually get married.┬а
Negative Effects of Twelfth House Lord In Seventh House
The 12th house is Dusthana and the 7th house is a Maraka house, hence in general thoughts, it is not considered good when the lord of Dusthana is situated in a Maraka house. Because this can increase the lethality of the lethal weapon. So it may cause health problems or life span problems for the native as the lord of the 12th house will affect the 1st house of health and vitality in the 7th house.
12th Lord In 7th House Navamsa
The lord of the 12th house in the 7th house in the Navamsa Chart indicates that the native may waste his sexual power or suffer the loss of his sexual power. This may cause problems discomfort or illness related to internal sexual organs. The 12th house and 7th house are related to the travel house, so when the lord of the 12th house is situated in the 7th house then it gives the native the opportunity to go to a foreign place or a faraway place. That could be the reason. The person may go abroad in connection with his business.
The 12th house is of foreigners or outcasts or from a very distant place, hence due to the lord of the 12th house being in the 7th house his wife may be a foreigner or from a different culture or caste or the wife may be from a very distant place. The person may be extremely sensual but may not get sexual satisfaction. This may cause mental depression. Most astrologers suggested that he become a celibate late in life or be forced to live a celibate life. If you want to know more about the effect of the 12th lord in the 7th house, then talk to astrologers.