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Why Hanging Wet Clothes At Night Is Considered Inauspicious In Vastu

Why Hanging Wet Clothes At Night Is Considered Inauspicious In Vastu

Many such rules have been mentioned in Vastu Shastra. Which has positive and negative effects on human life. In Vastu Shastra, a lot has been told about the direction and shape of the things kept in the house. Apart from this, there are some things that can bring happiness in the life of the house and the members of the house and if these things are not in the right order, then the person may also have to face problems in his life.

One of these is washing clothes, many things have been described in detail regarding washing clothes in Vastu Shastra, such as what should be the right time to wash clothes, why clothes should not be washed at night, etc. Very few people have knowledge of this. This. This.

Why Shouldn't Clothes Be Washed At Night?

  • It is said in Vastu Shastra that negative energy is at its peak at night. In such a situation, if we wash clothes at night, then this negative energy enters our clothes as well and when we wear these clothes, this negative energy enters our body through clothes. Which is not good for us in any sense.

  • By the way, washing clothes at night is prohibited in Vastu Shastra. But if you have washed clothes at night, then these clothes should not be dried outside even by mistake. Doing this hinders the happiness and prosperity of the house.

  • Regarding washing clothes in Vastu Shastra, it has been said that the clothes should always be dried in the sun during the day. By doing this, sunlight falls on the clothes. She destroys the negative energy of clothes and fills them with positive energy. Which directly affects us.

According to Vastu Shastra, if you wash and dry your clothes at night, then someday you may be in trouble. Because it is believed that drying clothes in the sun removes negative energy from clothes. Also, there is a new energy communication in the clothes, but when you wash and dry your clothes at night, negative energy does not come out of the clothes in the light of the moon. Due to this wrong energy enters the clothes at night. After which that wrong energy comes in contact with you.

Another reason is that when you dry clothes in the sun, all the germs and harmful organisms die from the clothes. But when we dry clothes at night, due to lack of sunlight, the clothes get dried, but the harmful organisms present in the clothes are not destroyed, which later give rise to many fatal diseases in our body. But keep in mind that whenever you wash clothes from now on, dry the clothes inside the house. Never dry clothes outside the house. Always dry clothes outside when the sun is out.

According to Vastu Shastra, the master of the Ishan angle is Guru. And Ishan angle is related to children, so on this day, removing junk, cleaning cobwebs, washing the floor, or mopping the Ishan angle becomes weak. Its adverse effect starts falling on the child and the householder and washing clothes with soap on Thursday also weakens the Guru.

For this reason, washing clothes, applying soap, and washing and mopping the floor on Thursday are considered inauspicious. Hair cutting, nail cutting, and consumption of meat and alcohol are also prohibited on Thursday. And if you do this, it can backfire on you. By doing this, Jupiter becomes weak in your Kundli. And all your planets get spoiled. Along with this, there is also a defect in your horoscope.


In today's run-of-the-mill life, people have very little time to complete all their work at a time. Due to their busy lives, people do not have time to sleep and eat on time. On the other hand, due to their busy life, people are often unable to wash their dirty clothes on time. Due to this people wash clothes at night. However, the reason behind this is also explained in Vastu Shastra. To know more about why hanging wet clothes at night is considered inauspicious in Vastu, take an astrologer phone consultation.

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