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Vastu Tips For Almirah Which Will Remove The Financial Crisis

Vastu Tips For Almirah Which Will Remove The Financial Crisis

Who doesn't want to be rich? On hearing the name Tijori, the picture of money starts emerging in front of the eyes. A vault means where you keep money, it can be any place. Cupboard locker, chest, etc. But, just having a safe doesn't make you rich. You also have to take care of this safely. No matter how much you earn, whether the coffer will be empty or full, it depends on many things apart from earning.

Vastu Remedies For Almirah

Kuber Showers Money

Keep the safe or cupboard in which cash and jewelry are kept attached to the south wall of the room. With this, the mouth of the cupboard will open towards the north. The lord of this direction is Kubera, the treasurer of the deities. Opening the cupboard in the north direction increases wealth and jewelry.

How To Get The Grace Of Indra

In Vastu science, the east direction has been called the direction of progress and energy. The lord of this direction is Indra, who is the king of the gods. That's why one who hopes to increase wealth should keep the safe and the almirah keeping the money attached to the western wall. With this, the mouth of the vault and cupboard will open towards the east and Devraj's blessings will remain on you.

Do Not Keep Jewelry In This Direction

If the mouth of your vault opens towards the south, then change the location of the Almirah as soon as possible. Yama is the lord of the south direction. Opening the mouth of the vault in this direction increases the expenditure of money on diseases and other things. Keeping money in this direction leads to loss of money. According to Vastu science, keeping jewelry in this direction stops the growth of jewelry.

How To Avoid A Financial Crisis

For the increase in wealth, it is necessary that you have a good income according to your hard work and that some part of your earnings is saved. But if you keep the Almirah or money in the west direction then it is difficult to happen. According to Vastu science, Varun is considered the master of this direction. Because of this, by keeping money in this direction one has to work hard to get money and money is spent like water. That's why financial constraints remain.

Vastu Tips For Almirah

  • The cupboard or vault should not face the door. Due to this, money does not stop in the vault and there are unnecessary expenses.

  • The mouth of the almirah or vault should not open towards the south. Along with this, keeping money inside the cupboard in this direction should also be avoided.

  • Keep the almirah or vault at a little height from the ground. A wooden plate or stand can be used for this.

  • Make sure to clean under the cupboard or vault every day. Lakshmi ji likes to live in a clean place.

  • The color of the almirah or vault should not be dark red or green.

  • The most important thing is that never keep the almirah or vault empty. Keeping the picture of Lakshmi-Ganesh or Lord Vishnu in it always brings blessings.

  • Never install glass on the almirah and even if it is installed, cover it with a green-colored cloth.


If your income is not according to your hard work and ability, then see whether you are not the reason for it. According to Vastu science, keeping the vault or almirah in the wrong direction affects the income of the head of the household. This doesn't even bring blessings of wealth. If you want to get more information about Vastu tips for Almirah which will remove the financial crisis, then Astrology Phone Consultation will help you.

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