Vastu Mistakes Can Convert Friends Into Enemies
Apart from family, a friend is the only person who can understand us and with whom we can be happy. It is very important to have friends in life and friends are also like family members. Some things happen in life that we do not even share with family and tell with friends.
People who do not have friends just lock themselves in their houses and live in loneliness. Real life is incomplete without friends. Even if it is just a friend, it should be special. Only a friend can support us in trouble, understand us, correct our mistakes, be ready to help us all the time, and care for us.
But many times, despite the affinity and love between friends, without any reason, fights start happening between them. The reason for this can also be Vastu. Some such mistakes have been told in Vastu, if a person starts doing it, then there is a conflict in friendship. Let us know about those mistakes of Vastu, due to which fights and quarrels start happening in good friendships.
These Vastu Mistakes Can Turn Friends Into Enemies
Don't Feed Each Other
If you want to strengthen your friendship, then do not eat each other's false food. Eating each other's false food creates a rift in friendship, due to which fighting and quarrels increase. Although you must be saying that it increases love, according to Vastu it is not considered auspicious.
Do Not Gift These Things To Friends
Often be it a birthday or friendship day friend's wedding or any other special occasion, people often choose a handkerchief or perfume first to gift a friend. But let us tell you that Vastu clearly says that giving these two things to a friend can prove fatal for friendship.
Don't Keep Garbage Around The Main Gate
If the main gate of the house is dirty, it does not take long for friendship to turn sour. Due to the dirtiness of the main gate, there is a situation ranging from fighting over small things to breaking up friendships. Apart from this, hanging dirty clothes on the main gate also increases the chances of a rift in the friendship. That's why the main gate of the house should always be kept clean.
Don't Deal With Things Of This Color
According to Vastu, the use of black color in friendship works to increase estrangement. That is, if you gift something of black color to any of your friends, then in a way you are working to create a rift in the relationship. That's why black color should be used in gifts as little as possible.
Take Special Care Of Saturday
According to Vastu, Saturday is not considered good for friendship. In such a situation, avoid taking anything from a friend or giving anything to him on Saturday, and also if there is a slight quarrel with a friend on any matter, then it is better to keep silent or calm your anger by persuading the friend with love.┬а
Keep The Roof Of The House Clean
Avoid keeping things like junk or gas on the roof of your house. By doing this not only there are fights and quarrels in friendship but also there is tension between the close members of the house.
After family, if we love someone the most, it is a friend. Sometimes we can share things with friends, which we cannot do with anyone else. A friend stands with us in our times of trouble. But sometimes even after being good friends, due to one reason or the other, a rift or relationship breaks down, the reason for which can also be Vastu. If you want to get more information about Vastu mistakes that can convert friends into enemies, then Astrology Phone Consultation will help you.