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Vastu For Plot: Best Vastu Tips For Plot

Vastu For Plot: Best Vastu Tips For Plot

Often people buy a plot without thinking and build their house on it, due to which many problems have to be faced in life. Experts believe that the reason for this can be a Vastu defect. That's why it is very important to take care of Vastu Shastra before buying any plot. If the rules of Vastu are followed while buying the plot, then the atmosphere of the house remains full of positive energy.



Best Vastu Tips For Plot


  • The direction of the plot should be west, northwest, north, northeast, or east. It is best if it is North or North East.

  • There should not be any pillars or big trees in front of the plot.

  • There should not be three or four exits in front of the plot. That is, the plot should not be at a tri-junction or intersection.

  • The slope of the floor of the plot or house should be towards the east, north, or northeast. In this also the north direction is best. The sun is the main source of our energy, so if our Vastu is constructed keeping in mind the orbit of the sun, then it will be very appropriate.

  • Select the land of the plot also by asking an architect. That is while buying or building a house, also see the mood of the land. Is the land red, yellow, brown, black, or stony? Usar, rats' burrows, torn, bumpy, potholes, and mounds of land should be abandoned. Building a house on the land in which ash, coal, ash, bone, husk, etc. came out after digging a pit, causes diseases and shortens life.

  • There should not be any illegal activities places, houses, or factories around the plot. Like shops selling liquor, meat, mutton, fish, etc., noisy factories, gambling activities, restaurants, warehouses, etc.

  • Don't buy a plot near Marghat or a cemetery or a deserted place.

  • Before building a house on the plot, after cleaning and purifying the land properly, get Vastu Puja done and build a house using yellow soil in it.

  • The land should also be tested while buying a plot. Land testing is done in many ways like digging a pit and filling it with water and then testing it.

  • The slope of the land should also be seen. The low land in the east, north, and northeast direction is beneficial from all points of view. The lowlands in the southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, and central are the ones that cause diseases. The name of the lowland between the south and southeast and the highland between the north and northwest is 'Rogkar Vastu', which causes disease. Therefore, while selecting the land, ask an architect as well.

  • If there is a water place like a tank, pond, etc. in its northeast, then it is auspicious, but it is not considered good in the southwest direction.

  • East-facing plots for education, religion, and spiritual work, west-facing plots for service people like engineers, lawyers, and doctors, north-facing plots for those in government service, police, and army, and south-facing plots for traders and businessmen Best suited for working in institutions.

  • According to Indian Vastu Shastra, if the four corners of the plot are at 90 degrees i.e. at right angles, then those plots are considered auspicious. Even if a rectangular or square plot is extended in the northeast direction, it is considered auspicious for the family, if it is extended in the southwest and southeast, it is not considered good.



Choosing a Vastu-friendly plot becomes very important because you are going to live a major part of your life on the same plot. The size of that land, its nature, its location, the quality of that land, and the surrounding environment will affect you positively or negatively throughout your life. That's why before buying any plot, the land must be tested on the principles of Vastu, and only after that take the final decision. If you want to know more about Vastu For Plot, then Online Astrology Consultations will help you.

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