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Types Of Vastu Dosh May Create Problems For Women

Types Of Vastu Dosh May Create Problems For Women

Vastu has an integral relationship with diseases. There are a lot of architectural defects in the design of the houses being built nowadays. For the last few decades, architects have started giving importance to irregularly shaped houses to give beauty to the houses. Because of this, knowingly or unknowingly, Vastu principles are being violated while building a house. Vastu dosh plays an important role in every kind of disease.

Due to Vastu dosh, there is an imbalance between positive and negative energy in the house. Which affects the health of women as well as their lives. Vastu Shastri is telling about the defects that have a bad effect on the health of women.

Such A House Is Inauspicious For Women

The women in the house where the southwest direction is affected and suffer from terrible diseases. Along with this, if the well, borewell, and underground water tank in the southwest are low in any way, then she may commit suicide or she may die due to prolonged illness.

The southeast direction is not considered good for pregnant women. Pregnant women do not get deep sleep by sleeping here and the fear of miscarriage also remains. Due to this, tension can arise in married life. The west direction is appropriate for pregnant women.

If it is about a newly married couple, then having a mirror in their room is not good for their relationship. Even if a mirror is required as a dressing table, place it on the northern or eastern wall in such a way that you do not see your reflection in it while sleeping. It is believed that whatever part of the newly wedded couple's body is seen in the mirror can be afflicted.

If you keep a heavy water tank in the east direction, defects arise in this direction, and due to this, there can be obstacles in the progeny of women. Tension can arise in your married life. Apart from this, there should not be a TV in the bedroom.

If you keep any heavy goods, furniture, water tank, etc. in the southeast angle i.e. southeast direction, then it creates a possibility of increasing the debt on the homeowner. It can also result in fire incidents and untimely death.

The vision of any person coming from outside the house should not fall directly on your bed. Due to this, discord increases in married life. Along with this, there should not be more than one door in your bedroom. If the toilet is in the bedroom, always keep its door closed. Otherwise, his negative energy can dissolve bitterness in your life as well. Do not keep junk stuff under the bed even by mistake.

There May Be A Rift In The Relationship

Some Vastu defects are such that due to being unable to understand them, the husband and wife cannot find the reason for their quarrel and a rift starts coming between them. According to Astrologer, if the southwest angle in the house is low, cut, or has moved forward, problems arise in the relationship between husband and wife. And the chances of cracking increase. Similarly, the northeast corner should also be flat and clean. Because this place is believed to be the abode of God.

  • If there is a toilet or stairs in the northeast direction of your house, then not only the main lady of your house but also other members may have mental stress or problems related to the brain. If the northeast corner of the house is high and all the other directions are lower than it, then there is a possibility of serious illness in the female member of the house. The toilet built in the northeast is considered to be a major architectural defect. The toilet building at the Devasthan not only makes the women of the house sick but also deprives the child of happiness.

  • The closure of the north and north-east direction of the house and the open south and south-west direction of the house is also considered a serious Vaastu defect. When this happens, both illness and expenses within the house increase enormously.

  • If there is a Vastu defect in the south direction of your house, then it can cause problems of fatigue and stress for women.

  • Marg Prahar is not considered auspicious in the southwest part of any house. Such Vastu defect creates depression in the women of the house. Sometimes such women even commit suicide. When the southwest part is enlarged, women are prone to major and painful diseases.


Women play an important role in increasing or maintaining the happiness of any household. Life becomes chaotic if the female member who takes care of the smallest and biggest needs becomes ill. The health of the female member of any household affects the entire household members. If the health of the female member of the house is repeatedly deteriorating or there is no special relief even after treatment, then talk to astrologers to know more about Vastu.

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