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The Worship Place In The Kitchen Is Not Good

The Worship Place In The Kitchen Is Not Good

The kitchen, being one of the primary locations in a house, holds a particularly sacred place as a site of worship. People enter the worship house after getting up in the morning after taking bath etc. and start their day by offering prayers. This is the reason why the place of worship in the house is considered most sacred and it is made in such a place of the house where outsiders do not enter. While certain individuals focus on the proper orientation of a temple or sacred space during construction, others opt to have it built on a significant day.

Oftentimes, due to limited space in the home, people create a place of worship within their kitchen. People believe that after the place of worship, the kitchen is the holiest place in the house, so people make the place of worship in the kitchen itself. The truth is that for various reasons related to Astrology and Vastu, creating a place of worship in the kitchen of one's home is not recommended, as it may lead to unrest in the household.

The Place Of Worship Should Be The Holiest

It is a common sight to witness people entering the kitchen in the morning without having taken a bath. In a hurry, women work in the kitchen without taking a bath to prepare food, and if the worship takes place in the kitchen, then there is no sanctity in the temple or the place of worship. In the kitchen, many times we also use such things which should not be there in the worship house. For example, garlic and onion food is also prepared in the kitchen, which can defile the place of worship. The scriptures also state that the sacred space ought to be situated away from the kitchen.

False Utensils Are Kept In The Kitchen

It is generally seen that no matter how much you take care of the cleanliness in the kitchen, sometimes false utensils get collected in the kitchen. Inauspicious kitchenware is believed to represent poverty and can bring unrest to the household. That's why when you make a temple or a place of worship in the kitchen of the house, then it can be more troublesome for you. If false utensils are kept near the place of worship, then the result of worship is not achieved and Goddess Lakshmi also gets angry. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid placing the temple in the kitchen, even by accident.

According To Vastu, What Is The Correct Direction Of The Temple In The House?

The place of worship in the house should always be made in the northeast direction because the northeast angle is full of auspicious effects. Satva energy has a 100% effect in this area of the house, so making it a place of worship gives auspicious benefits. It is believed that by keeping a temple in this direction, Goddess Lakshmi resides in the house. A kitchen ought not to be located near the temple, and it is highly recommended to avoid constructing the temple beneath a staircase. While making a worship room inside the house, always keep in mind that there should not be a toilet below or above, or next to it, it brings negative energy.


Often you must have seen that people take special care of the direction while building a place of worship in the house and some people also get it constructed after observing the appropriate Muhurta. But many times people set up a Pooja room in the kitchen itself due to less space in the house because they believe that the kitchen is the holiest place in the house after the Pooja room. But according to astrologers, setting up a place of worship in the kitchen of the house creates an atmosphere of unrest in the house. If you want to get more information about The direction of The worship place, then Astrology Phone Consultation will help you.

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