South-West Wall Colour as per Vastu: Choose the Best Color For South-West
In the southwest direction тАУ earthy color or light brown color is suitable for this direction. The light brown color is related to the earth, that is, this color is a symbol of peace and nutrition. It is believed that the green color is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. It is also believed that these colors bring life to the walls. These colors also give rest to the eyes. As per Vastu's colors for the bedroom, the master bedroom should be in the South-West direction and hence its color should be blue as per Vastu.
What Color Should Be On The South West Wall?
The south-west direction is considered auspicious for the master bedroom, so paint the wall on this side with blue color.
Which Color Is Best For A Southwest-Facing House?
If you live in a South-West-facing house, you should use light and bright colors to paint the walls. According to Vastu, the most common colors for west-facing houses are silver, white, and yellow. You can also choose neutral colors as they are quite auspicious and do not cause any Vastu defects.
What Should Be In The South West Corner?
The southwest direction is also called the 'Nairutya direction'. There should be no openings in South West direction i.e. windows, doors at all. The house owner's room should be in this direction. Apart from this, you can keep cash counters, machines, etc. in the southwest direction.
How Are South West Facing Houses?
South West facing house is not considered good as this particular direction is considered to be possessed by the demon Nairuth in Vastu science. If you live in such a house, without any remedy, you may face money problems, may be prone to accidents, and may also cause trouble in the marital relationship of couples.
What Happens If You Sleep In The South West Direction?
By keeping the head in the south direction, a person gets happiness and prosperity along with health benefits. On the other hand, sleeping with feet in this direction has a negative effect on health. Not only this, there is fear of money loss, death, and disease by sleeping with feet in this direction. That's why one should not sleep by keeping the head in the north direction even by mistake.
Main Entrance
The most positive energy comes from the main door of the house. In such a case, if the door opens towards the south or southwest, it can have some negative results. So try that the main door should open towards north, east or northeast. If the main door is opening towards the southwest, then install a tile made of Hanuman with Gada or Gayatri Mantra outside the door. Doing this will bring benefits.
It has been proven that colors have a psychological effect on people. A home is a place where people spend a major part of their lives. Certain colors create special emotions in people, so to know more about colors talk to astrologers.