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South Facing Main Door Vastu

South Facing Main Door Vastu

The main door of any house plays an important role in the happiness and prosperity of the house because all the positive and negative energies come from the entrance of the house. Therefore, whether the house is auspicious or not is decided on the basis of it. According to Vastu, a house having a main door or entrance in the south direction is considered inauspicious and considered as Vastu Dosha.

Can South Facing Door House Be Auspicious For You?┬а

If your house is south facing, then you are confused about whether such a house is considered auspicious according to Vastu or not, then learn in detail here. However, according to Vastu experts, such houses have both advantages and disadvantages. In fact, before taking a decision on this matter, you should also know the reality. There are many questions in the mind regarding the auspicious and inauspicious results of such houses.

While people have a belief that a house whose main door faces south is actually considered inauspicious and can be harmful to the head of the household, Vastu experts dispel this fear by saying that south-facing One of the few advantages of facing a house is that it receives more sunlight than other houses and stays relatively warm in winter.

Opens Doors To Success And Wealth┬а

This is the reason why, the man many times such persons are advised for Vastu of South facing house, which can actually be away from success for a long time south-facing houses can be auspicious for these professions

According to Vastu, people who are associated with fields like public relations, media, and films, find energy in asouth-facingg houses Also, the strong presence of Mars in your horoscope makes a south-facing house the right zone for your energies. Those of you who have a good auspicious position can always be happy in a south-facing house.

The negative aspect of a south-facing house

If we talk about the negative aspects of such houses, south-fascinating houses become very hot during the summer months. It is also not considered good the for kitchen or bedroom can be averted. In fact, there are two sides to the same coin, due to this the south main house cannot be called completely negative, rather its positive effects are seen more.

Vastu remedies for a house with a main door in the south direction

In Vastu Shastra, the south direction of the house is considered inauspicious and except in some circumstances, it has an inauspicious effect. Apart from this, the defect of the south facing house can also be removed by taking some measures. What are those circumstances and what are the remedies to remove the defects, let us understand it in brief?

What Happens If The House Is South Facing?

Sun in the east, Venus in the southeast, Mars in the south, Ketu in the southwest, Saturn in the west, Moon in the northwest, Mercury in the north, Jupiter and Ter in the northeast. The south direction door is not considered auspicious in Vastu Shastra. It is also called the door of trouble. If your house is south-facing and malefic, then the problem of conflicts, excesses, and accidents increases with the householder brothers. There is a possibility of diseases like blood pressure, blood disorders, leprosy, boils, piles, smallpox, plague, etc. Staying in this direction can also create chances of sudden death.


According to ancient Indian Vastu Shastra, a south-facing house, that is, whose main door opens in the south direction, is considered inauspicious. It is believed that negative energy can easily enter such houses and positivity can be taken away. If you want to know more about South facing main door Vastu then Talk to Astrologer.

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