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Servant Room Colour: Choose the Servant Room Color as Per Vastu

Servant Room Colour: Choose the Servant Room Color as Per Vastu

Often when we build a big house, some servants are also kept for the maintenance of the house, who take care of the cleanliness and maintenance of the house at every moment. For these servants also another room is made in the house. Special care should be taken of Vastu color while making this room, otherwise many types of Vastu defects can arise in the house. If the servant's room is not made in the right place and manner, then indifference or lethargy can be seen in the work of the servants in the house. Today in this article, which color should be used in the servant room, we will tell things related to Vastu.┬а

Color Of Servant Room According To Vastu Tips

Too dark or exciting colors should not be used in the servant's room, if possible only light or dark colors should be used so that the servant can work with a calm mind.

Most of the houses built in cities have servant quarters or servant rooms. A servant is respected only as a member of the household. It is very important to follow the rules of Vastu Shastra for the room made for the residence of this important member of the house. Due to this, not only positive energy is transmitted in the house, but the relationship between the owner and the servant also becomes very positive. The atmosphere of the house also becomes peaceful and pleasant.

Actually, a servant is responsible for the important tasks of the house. In such a situation, its place in the house should also be in the right place. He should get full attention. Generally, due to the paucity of space, the servant's room is made in the last corner of the house. But ideally, the color of the servant quarter should be according to Vastu. By doing this, happiness and peace are kept in the house.

There are many people, who consider the servant quarter as an important part of the house and pay attention to making it properly, on the other hand, there are people who do not make the servant quarter separate. At his house, the servants have to sleep either in the kitchen or in the pantry area. Adhering to the rules of Vastu color and preparing the room for the servants to live in accordingly, creates a good relationship between the owner and the servants. Call it a servant or a laborer, these are the people who help us a lot in managing the house.

Vastu Tips For Permanence Of Servants

  • Servant rooms should never be made in the North East or South West corner. Due to this, there is a danger of robbery or robbery in the house. There is a possibility of misbehavior with the owners.

  • The servant room or servant quarter can be made in South East or North West corner. This keeps an eye on the servants and keeps them under control. They obey the instructions of the owner and the members of the household.

  • The servants' room should be clean and well-ventilated. It should not contain more expensive things. There should not be expensive electronic gadgets either.

  • Vastu experts should also be consulted regarding windows and doors in the servant's room. This maintains positive energy.

  • Nice and beautiful colors should be done on the walls of the servants' rooms. So that the servant can feel happy.

  • There should also be empty and free space in the servants' room. It should not be completely closed or suffocating.

  • Servants' food should not be cooked in their rooms.

  • Basil plants should be planted in the northeast corner of the house.

  • The servant's room should never be in the South East corner.


According to this, every person has the right place to live in the house. The house should be constructed accordingly. According to Vastu, the color of the servant quarter in the house is also selected as per vastu. Talk to Astrologer┬аfor more information about servant room color.

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