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Relation of Vastu Shastra and Astrology

Relation of Vastu Shastra and Astrology

Vastu and Astrology related to each other? if so, how? What are the reasons for the difference in the standard of living despite having the same map and direction on different floors of society? The reason for the association of Vastu with astrology: The relationship between Vastu Shastra and Astrology is very deep and unbreakable. Both are complementary to each other. Astrology is a Vedanga, then Vastu is a Upaveda. That is, Vastu is a main part of Vedic astrology. Just as, everything can be told about a person based on his birth chart, in the same way looking at the structure and internal arrangement of his house People can assess the whole family.



Vastu and Astrology┬а



Vastu Shastra is the art of living in harmony with nature and taking advantage of its energy. Astrology is a science based on a horoscope. Ascendant i.e., the first house in the horoscope is considered to be the east direction, which is ruled by the planet Sun. The seventh house tells the west direction, which is ruled by the planet Saturn. Similarly, the fourth and tenth houses of the horoscope represent the north and south directions respectively, whose ruling planets are Mercury and Mars respectively. Apart from the ruling planets of these directions, the deities of the four directions тАУ East, West, North, and South are Indra, Varuna, Kuber, and Yama (Kaal) respectively. Apart from these four directions, there are Upadisha or Vidisha or Kon Ishan (North-East), Vayavya (North-West), Nairutya(South-West), and Agneya (South-East), which are 2 and 3, 5 respectively of the horoscope. And are associated with 6, 8 and 9 and 11, and 12 houses, their lords and gods are Guru and Shiva, Moon and Pawan (Vayu) God, Rahu-Ketu and Vranatya, and Shukra and Agni respectively.


Vayavya (North-West) and Agneya (South-East), which are in oblique relation, are also called air angle and fire angle respectively. The central part of the horoscope, which is called Bahmra Sthal, is associated with its deity 'Brahma' and its element 'Akash'. The rest of the four elements тАУ water, air, earth (land), and fire are associated with the northeast, northwest, southwest, and southeast respectively. Vastu gives positive thinking to man. Vastu and astrology are governed by the power of the planets and their influence, astrology is based on Navagraha, 12 zodiac signs, and 27 Nakshatra, and in all these zodiac signs one or the other element of Panchatatva prevails.



Vastu and Astrology Connection



These zodiac signs are also related to directions. In which direction does the position of the planets in the horoscope indicate the person to live? In Vastu Shastra, the auspicious and inauspicious results of high-low land in different directions show that despite having the same map and direction, there is a difference in the standard of living because of the position of the fourth house i.e. The factors of the house. Mars, Saturn, and other planets are different in everyone's horoscope. If the name of a city or locality is 2, 5, 9, 10, or 11th from a person's name, then it is auspicious, if it is 1 and 7, then if the enemy is 4, 8, or 12, if the disease is 3, 6, it should be considered as a disease factor. If the city is not auspicious, then the locality in which the building is located should be auspicious. If both the city and the locality are auspicious, then it is best. If the name of the city or locality is 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, or 12th from the person's name, then it is inauspicious. If the city or town is not auspicious for someone, then consider the person's name and the zodiac sign of the locality.



Vastu Astrology



If the locality is auspicious, then one should reside there. First of all, the class of the city-locality and the person's name, class character, class number, and the direction of the class should be known. The table of these five is as follows. Generally, after doubling the class number of a person, adding the class number of the city, and dividing it by 8, the remainder will be the Kakini number of the person.


In this way, after doubling the class number of the city and adding it to the class number of the person, and dividing it by 8, the remainder will be the Kakini number of the city. If the Kakini number of a person is more than the city, then the person's Kakini number is beneficial, if the person's Kakini number is less than the city, then the city is harmful and if the Kakini number of the city and the person is even, then the place of the city will be equal (neither profit nor loss).




The relationship between Vastu Shastra and Astrology is very deep and unbreakable. It complements each other. Vastu Shastra is an integral part of Vedic astrology. Just as everything can be told about a person based on his horoscope i.e., the complete details of his birth, in the same way, the study of the entire structure of the house can determine its positive and negative effects on every member living in that house. Vastu Shastra is the art of benefiting by sitting in harmony with all kinds of positive energy present in nature. Online Astrology Consultation will help you to get more knowledge about the Relation Between Vastu Shastra and Astrology.

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